Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Would you be far from the Wicklow evening ones? Theyā€™re too much of a stretch for me to get to for a short race. The NIMRA ones in Mournes would actually be closer to me and they do a summer series that Iā€™m eyeing up.

The big weekend ones youā€™d probably need to have a bit of navigation about you as I donā€™t think theyā€™re marked.

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Probably within 30-45 mins of a good chunk of them I think. Not sure where each one is on though

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These arrived today. Fit seems fine but will give it a more rigorous test around the gaff tonight before deciding whether they stay or not. Might get them out for a short trial on trail on Wednesday, if Iā€™m feeling a bit better.

What have music rights got to do with running races?

Thatā€™s IMRO mate (thereā€™s also an IRMA as well)




Happy to give that the magical number 10.

No reason you canā€™t go sub 50 this month. Any traffic stops this time?

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I had a couple alright but that would be part of it running in an urban area. :man_shrugging:t3:

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Slow 5k there on lunchā€¦ Went into the woods for a change of scenery, it was like running up / down a ski slope. Stopped a couple of times on hills. Nice to change it up, felt a couple of inclines on the legs




Iā€™ve only hit that speed at sea level. Wouldnā€™t be able for that sort of altitude.

I hate to complain about injuries but Iā€™ve a sore knee for the last 4 or 5 days. Itā€™s right on the knee bone and sorer (is sorer a word?) when going downhill. It sorts itself out after around 5/10 minutes of running but I can feel the pain at the start of a run. Itā€™s like little darts flying up and down the leg, but itā€™s emanating from smack bang in the middle of the knee bone. It could be the impact of my new runners or it could be the result of increasing my distances since the start of the month or it could be that Iā€™m a soft cunt. Iā€™ve still been running this week but I think Iā€™ll hold off on trying another 10km until the back end of next week. Itā€™s hard to set yourself up for a crack at a time if youā€™re starting very tentatively.

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take some Nurofen before your next run

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Over doing it palā€¦sounds like ā€˜runnersā€™ knee. Ease up till Saturday maybeā€¦take some nurefon/ibprofen ā€¦ stretch out those quads goodo. I find with the knee itā€™s often quads/calves that are tight and pulling at it.

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Take a few days off is my advice. Your volume has gone up recently so it might be that. Sounds a little like IT bone (although that pain would be more to the side of knee)

Have you a foam roller? Roll your calves if so. Get a sliotar or some other ball and roll your glutes. Do some stretching. Your next run back walk the first km or so and then a very light jog, increasing speed during run.


@Thomas_Brady SNAP!

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Heā€™s gone buck wild with his volume. A few days maintenance with some foam rolling and stretching all over will do the lad the world of good.

Run on your toes/forefoot at all times. Itā€™s hard to start, but gets easier. Hard on the calves.
My lad ran nearly 10k at 5.12 pace today. A month ago he was goosed at 7k 5.40 pace.