Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

How about extending the deadline till Easter Monday?


Lads on here are like the HSE vaccination teams. Taking breaks for Cheltenham and Paddy’s day and looking to push back deadlines citing slow delivery times for charger cables and flipbelts.


I know a nurse cc @anon67715551 who gave 125 injections last Saturday. She’s aiming to top that today.
Anyhow, slower run today. Was with the lad. Did 13k but stopped the watch to wait at one stage and forgot to restart. My watch told me to take the day off but I was mentally stronger than that.
Meanwhile, herself has just crawled out of bed with a hangover and is on peloton looking green trying to sweat out a bit of it.
I said she should be as proud of her son as she is ashamed of herself.
I doubt I’ll get any nooky.


Perfectly played by me. Ask a question and let the team come up with the logical answer.

Easter Monday 23:00 is the closing date to accommodate all the late night runners, aka @Fran.


Some lovely running here over the past 24 hours. I took my usual Wednesday off, felt my knee niggle a little bit on a light Thursday jaunt but it had thankfully sorted itself out by Friday. I did 6.66km at 5:23/km yesterday and would have beaten my 55:07 already posted, had I maintained that pace or even let it slide a bit in the last few kms. But I decided to err on the side of caution, even though I was feeling comfortable. I don’t really get a chance to run at weekends, as my children wake up at 5am and are completely unmanageable. But I’ll hopefully get 2 more cracks at improving on my time - next Thursday or Friday morning and then a week later. Thank you for reading my daily news.


Cracked the 7k barrier today without stopping to watch a full horse race mid-run. A few breathers needed along the way.


Cracked the all important 2.5k barrier this morning. Trying to maintain a decent pace.


The walking tracks around GAA fields have been a great addition to communities over the last 5/10 years


Will have to have a go tomorrow.

Too much alcohol previously so I’ll stick to Coors light or some clear coloured spirits by way of prep for it.

A flat track along the slaney I think…


I just used my local running path and outdoor gym to do

8 pull ups
12 dips
12 press ups
12 hanging leg raises
400m as fast as I could

X 4

The last 400m nearly killed me. I had to come in and lie on the bed to post to tfk


Looks like she got her way after the Spotify row


In fairness, she let me out for 5km last Sunday night after I put the kids to bed and emptied the dishwasher.


3 (three) rolls of the dodgy ankle today.
This morning’s run beat the absolute crap out of me. Was moving on empty by the end.

Found a new path, Fisherman’s Path which goes from the top of the Corbally Road by Super Valu to the bottom of the Mill road to join with the Red Path, great terrain requiring a bit of fleet footedness, ducking under overhanging trees etc, looking forward to having a proper go off it when I’m back in decent shape

Are you familiar with it @Thomas_Brady?


I think I’ve done that before :+1:

Elevation gain got a boost today @Mac

I am… I thought that’s where you described previously… Do you go on then to the Corbally baths and up to bridge?

Previously I’d have ran down the mill road and turned right for the bridge, that’s the red path that passes the baths with Munchins grounds on the right. If you turn left there it’s called the Fisherman’s path, you go under the railway tracks and end up in that field by Super valu,

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Awful stuff this morning.

Will have to go out fresh during the week to crack @Gman’s pace setting run.


I know it well… Never by name tho.