Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

He must have Limerick connections.

If only he was in the leafy South Cork suburbs you could show him the big hills you run down

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Todayā€™s a lovely running day in the capital. Sunny but chilly and still. Iā€™m expecting some times to be posted, as the weatherā€™s set to turn from this evening onwards.

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My training has pivoted to 400m and circuits pre Easter.

Iā€™ve ordered new runners so a 10km is certainly a stretch goal for April.

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solution to your problems

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No run in over a weekā€¦ Mrs Brady is under the weather so Iā€™m all things to everyone the last few days and trying to get in the garden for the last hour of light in the evening. I might see if I can go on a lunch time 5/6k to keep the legs ticking over.


If thereā€™s one thing we have in Leafy South Cork City are hills. And if itā€™s hills that @Fran wants to use then Iā€™ll give him hills. See below, first 6km is downhill :laughing:. Did a recon at the end of my run the other night of 1 km on a gradual downhill, was easily able to do 4:30 pace. Of course Iā€™ll call off this madness that Francis started and do a fair and just route but lines have been drawn in the sand.

The elevation is 173m down to sea level if anyone is wondering. I actually think I wouldnā€™t be able to make the best use out of it since Iā€™d be laughing so much for the first 6 km!


@Locke is not coping well with the competition here


Just go out and run for fuck sake and stop rabbiting on and making excuses

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Iā€™ve been running down to the seafront at Clontarf on Sunday nights when Iā€™m afraid to go into the park. In my mind, it seemed like a huge downhill but, on checking afterwards, it was only -10m elevation or something to get down there. Itā€™s mind boggling to think you and Brady are running down hills around 17x as steep as that.



hereā€™s a @locke style run in sun laoghaire


Outstanding effort @RaymondCrotty , but that road makes me fear youā€™ll end up in series 2 of The Serpent.


Sounds like @Locke is coping fine

Heā€™s explainingā€¦

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Itā€™s just as well we didnā€™t do the inter county team thing, @Locke & I would be going at it like Kieron Dyer and Lee Bowyer on the downhill slopes


Stage 7


Great running btw @RaymondCrotty, I was waiting for you to post a time to beat me

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Did you find the hiking boots tough to run in mate?


Decent article from Sonia. Still running sub 20 for 5km