Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I wasn’t planning it but it worked out that way. Trying to see if it helps. Turns out running up hill against the wind isn’t an effective warm up :laughing:

Ah look, it s different strokes obviously,

I’d look on that as a ferocious waste of energy when I’m gonna be bursting myself anyway


My plans were for my race run on Thursday and Friday but the Mrs has been called back for a few days work at end of this week.

Heading out on MTB tomorrow so I’m going to aim for Wednesday.

I did a 3km run first thing today, went to the outdoor gym for 30 minutes of Calisthenics at 4pm and just back from a 5km walk.

I’ll have abs like a cobbled road by Easter.

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Am trying a few things out. I find if I go out cold I completely misjudge pace and fuck myself over. A warm up of some usually gives me a better feel but then it’s a balance of getting loosened up without wasting energy.

After bouncing off the trails on Saturday I nearly felt every bit of tarmac from 4km onwards. Flipbelt likely arriving tomorrow so that’ll easily take another minute off my time :laughing:

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I’ve done two peloton classes with some lass called Tunde. The first was Hiit and hills. The second intervals and arms.
Both were absolutely brutal.
I’m fcuked.

Sam Yo is a great lad. Give him a whirl.

Some of the trainers on it would bore you to tears


Herself and my lass do Sam Yeo.
Yeo’s hos I call them.
Try that Tunde wan. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

@flattythehurdler will be pulling up to the bumper on his next ride


Herself is a big fan of Cody.
Also an English lass but I can’t remember her name.
She said Tunde was the hardest. She wasn’t wrong.


She’d break you in 2 I’d say

She has broken me already.


@Tassotti would need a forklift to get off her

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They’d have to reroute all the equipment currently in use in the Suez canal


You dirty bastard

The sun was blinding on my 3km run this morning. I don’t want a prematurely furrowed brow.

What running sunglasses do you recommend @Thomas_Brady

A couple of good lightweight running hats are a good investment, stylish enough to wear in normal times obviously
I couldn’t wear sunglasses running

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