Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Think of all kicking sports, you do all your balancing on your non dominant leg so it does to be more powerful.


Lovely hat actually.

I started wearing the hat on the trail runs last summer and have probably worn the same at least 50 times since. It was cheap as could be so I stick it in the washing machine after every run and it’s still the finest.


I have a couple of nice Ciele caps as well,
I usually rinse them under the tap after a wear

This yoke was so cheap I didn’t care about sticking it in the machine and it’s still in perfect nick.

The Patagonia duckbill hat is a favourite among trail runners

Hadn’t done anything in over ten days due to work/life/laziness and one good session. Hit out this afternoon with the intention of an easy run. Felt very good from the start and surprised myself with this effort. I doubt I’ll be surpassing it by deadline day. I’m hoping it might keep me out of relegation trouble in Senior A. Log it in @Locke.


Fat_Pox = Fast_Pox. Serious running.

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Great time and gets you up the table with a great buffer between you and Senior B.


I reckon the next few days are going to be epic with the times coming in.


Is everyone who doesn’t go Sub 42 relegated or did you change the criteria?

No, those who hit the target are safe. Unless everyone hits the target then whoever is in last place goes down.

im out unfortunately.


I’m confused? Is Sub 42 the target or what?

Sub 42 is Senior standard. If you are not reaching that then you are in trouble of relegation. Who ever comes last or can’t compete goes down a level if they compete in the next round.

Sorry to hear that chief. Hope all is well.

Back doing very easy miles. Calve still not 100 percent so Im not going to stress it any time soon. As you said yourself, getting out for the mind is my priority now.


Really important to do that and glad to hear you are on the mend.

BTW, you’ve been relegated to Senior B!


Basically I will be a group horse running in a handicap next time.


It’s going to be over a half marathon, the grand national if you will. A lot can happen over the big fences.

Ive a diesel engine, dont worry about me


Relegation for me by about ten seconds or so @locke. Left myself too much to do on back 5 but a good honest effort and I think 30 seconds quicker than my summer effort.

First run with the earphones and it worked well. I’ve a fairly big OnePlus phone and It fits grand in back pocket of the Decathlon shorts. Listened to Stereolab, Wire, Gang of Four, Flaming Lips, Husker Du, etc and turned the final corner with Thousands Are Sailing playing


48’12 @Locke . You will see on Strava that is the time for both my elapsed and moving times. My watch had it as 10.01km.