Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Great stewardship chief!

Am I too late to be starting out with a 5km I am? cc @Fat_Pox


First run since Christmas. Long way off the sub 30s I was doing before 2021. Few weeks and Iā€™ll be back at it. @Thomas_Brady told you Iā€™d get a run up here for March. Weatherd to good to ignore


A stone in the shoe cost me probably 30 seconds but wouldnā€™t make much difference

Well done, thatā€™s a cracking pace.

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Did you do that without stopping? Fair lifting there pal :raised_hands:

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Fair play- -those 8 secs would haunt me for the rest of my days

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I did yeah.

I tried one last week and was on for a much quicker time but almost got a heart attack after 3.9km so just gave up.

Will try go sub 20 but thatā€™s probably as good as I can hope for.


Well done. Thatā€™s a serious time. It helps that you ainā€™t carrying any timber. What are you, 6ft and hardly 11 stone?

Unfortunately Iā€™m way over that now.

Lockdown hasnā€™t been good for me.

Lads worried about giving away their locationā€¦ We canā€™t come and murder you, weā€™re locked down.

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Itā€™s in case they get ā€œfrapedā€ , that is when someone gets raped on Facebook.

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Very nearly puked just now, definitely would have if there wasnā€™t people around

Shouldnā€™t really have done it, Iā€™ve a feeling it will set me back

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Fair play. Unreal good. :clap:

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is posting a pic of our legs now requirement?

iā€™ll have to get out the mach 3

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Iā€™m just after completely emptying the @Tank again.

Put me down for 51:48 please, @Locke.

Ran down the hill towards Clontarf rubby club on Castle Avenue with my heart beating at 183 beats per minute for the last kilometre. Shouting ā€œaaaahhhhhhhā€.


Fair fucks @backinatracksuit and @Bandage you mad bastards

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Smashing stuff lads @backinatracksuit and @Bandage

Iā€™d have to be carted off to A&E if I hit those HR numbers

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My back five today (25:49) was quicker than my front five (25:59). It was also quicker than the 25:53 I posted for the February 5km challenge. What Iā€™m really saying is, there is a chance I can go sub 25 minutes for 5km for the first time since around 2016.