Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Itā€™s up on my Strava anyway :man_shrugging:, in fact @Locke even commented


Seen it just there. Nice quick start.

Negative split. You are a proper runner now


If you werenā€™t training at the longer distances now, youā€™d easily go sub 25


Thatā€™s myself and @Bandage firing out the negative splits on the 10km efforts. Thereā€™s no stopping us Bando. DCM 2022 here we come


48:46 for me @locke. Sub 48 was never gonna happen. At 5k I didnā€™t think Iā€™d get to 10k. Had to walk about 20 seconds on every km on the last 5k. Plenty of excuses I could make but itā€™s done and thatā€™s the main thing


at this stage a sub 25 is a very conservative goal for @Bandage. Iā€™ve a feeling it wouldnā€™t knock much out of him

Well done @Mac , the heart was bursting out of your chest, like Bandage earlier on you love to see it.

I decided in bed last night that Iā€™d give it a go this morning, I was gonna leave it till the last minute (monday) and see if I had it in me but I was impatient and didnā€™t like the sound of the forecast, I was mostly running into the wind for the first half which helped a little when coming home, it was a very flat course, at about 8k i had to climb a tiny hill, only about 20m or so and it really knocked me on my arse,

The last 5k was torture, I compare racing like that to childbirth, you start out all excited because youā€™ve blanked out the pain thatā€™s coming down the tracks.



4 times Iā€™ve been in that room, I know what Iā€™m talking about :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Iā€™ll likely end up having a drink every night between now and Monday so it was a case of today or not at all. Did a heavy enough legs session last night with some of the local running club so I was stiff enough going out. But I figured a bit of stiffness was gonna be easier to manage than booze still swirling around my system.

Iā€™m obviously nowhere near where I was last summer as I cracked out a sub 48 mins 10k as part of my 10 mile TFK race in the middle of the summer without much bother. And I was regularly hitting sub 23 5kā€™s. The trail runs might be taking the small bit of speed I have away but I enjoy them too much to not do them.

I donā€™t seem to have the same tolerance to push through a pain barrier as I used to. Maybe its just going solo that Iā€™ve got lazier or something so Iā€™ll join the local club when theyā€™re back training to at least get used to running with others again.


Thats the key right there. Keep doing what gives you enjoyment and forget about chasing times.


Its true. There was times last Saturday I felt like I was absolutely bouncing off the ground. Albeit a much slower pace with more breaks. But I finished and felt a buzz that I hadnā€™t felt from any run in a long time.

The run today was torture by comparison. Was happy when finished but only sheer stubbornness made me finish. Whereas on Saturday I mentally could have gone on for another 5k easily, although physically I likely wouldnā€™t have handled it.

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Here is the state of play going into the weekend. Plenty to play for in all grades.

Senior and Senior B


This one is pretty straightforward. The pressure is off @TreatyStones with the capitulation of @fenwaypark at the senior grade. Is @Wexford1996 going to show, can he make the sub 42 min grade and take what looks like an unassailable lead off @Gavrilo-Princip?? This senior administrator hopes not, up the Cats!

Another Cat leading Senior B. Youā€™d throw a hanky over the top three in this grade and if anyone of them were to go again we could see a change. If @Crutches does not compete then @flattythehurdler will live to fight another day.

Intermediate and Intermediate B


More KK success in the Intermediate grade. @RaymondCrotty sits on top with a huge lead but the pride of Fingal must know that heā€™s under threat with @Fran going great guns in his now daily training regime and @Locke having found sobriety a near 200m hill to run down - there will be change in this grade.

Intermediate B is all about the @Bandage improvement show. Miles/kilometers ahead of anyone in this grade and right now he will comfortably be promoted to the Intermediate grade and indeed must be eyeing up back-to-back promotions on the 10-mile challenge. However, we do have 4 (four) in the grade who have not run yet, will we have a bloater?? Time will tell.



Always a lottery but not this time. @mikehunt, by getting up off his hole is in pole position to go up. I canā€™t see him being challenged.

There you have it lads. Four days of running ahead of us, best of luck to all on this. Well done on taking part and on singlehandedly keeping the sports shops of Ireland going these last two months.


Youā€™re a trail man now. Donā€™t deny it. When you start to get more interested in vert than mileage or pace/km, you know youā€™ve turned :grinning:

Iā€™m not even attempting to deny it!

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@backinatracksuit not leading the seniors, no? Fuck Kilkenny

Iā€™ll try get out for a stretch but iā€™ll doubt iā€™ll do 10kā€¦ weā€™ll see where weā€™re at on the road.

The Strava flyby yoke would be brilliant if you could take someoneā€™s run and play it alongside your own

Iā€™m going to give it a go Saturday morning. Hopefully weā€™ll be doing the Senior and Intermediate B double.


Itā€™s down to you to beat @RaymondCrotty, I very much doubt Iā€™ll be posting another time before Monday evening

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