Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thank you to my esteemed fellow committee member who pointed out that yes our Limerick-based Corkman @backinatracksuit is indeed leading this challenge. My apologies and this has been righted below.

Fuck Tipp



Yeah, right Francis :wink:

I love the exploring. Finding a new section every time. Thereā€™s a bit of Mountain that Iā€™ve tried to connect a few times but finally found a bit on the bike the other day that might do it. It would have been a hike a bike to go much further than the trail we found, so hoping to go back to run it Sunday. A lot of the steep bits is just hiking but you need to train for that too. To be able to hike then jog then hike then jog then hammer a descent. You wouldnā€™t be listening to a podcast while doing it, thatā€™s for sure.


@Bandage is clearing house in his division

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@Spidey has the potential to beat @Bandage but no sign of a time from him. I reckon itā€™s his to lose.

Not a chance. Tried to get out the other day and felt stiff after 5km in 27 mins. Even a dynamic warm up session in Inisfails under the cover of a morning fog wouldnt have me reaching the Wexicans magnificent efforts.


I think @Bandage is like a dog with a bone here. If someone posted a better time Monday night, heā€™d be back out the door and heā€™d beat it. Heā€™s posted the top 2 times already

PS @Bandage we can send on some head torch recommendations for you


I have a hoore of an interval session to do tonightā€¦

all the marbles will be gambled on an afternoon recovery/downhill stubborness run tomorrow

4 minutes have to be made upā€¦ fuck me, a big askā€¦


any excuse for that man to get out of the house

The desire to break the pain barrier disappears as you get older.


Christ thatā€™s tight.

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I didnā€™t realise going sub 52 minutes is Intermediate level.

Iā€™m intrigued by @Thomas_Brady. Heā€™s suspiciously quiet in the last few days and I sense heā€™s taken his regime OFFLINE. I fear a dramatic weekend gazumping from the former academic.


No palā€¦ Iā€™ve only had a couple of runs in the last two weeks as life happened and did its thingā€¦ Iā€™ll do well to get near my previous time not to mind better it.

Keep the faith, you can do it, I believe in you :muscle:

You must have been tipping away at a fair auld pace if you did a 48:46 and spent half of the back 5 walking.

Ah life. Weā€™re taking advantage of Easter weekend in lockdown to do toilet training for the eldest fella. Starting tomorrow morning, I canā€™t wait. A run this morning will actually be the most enjoyable part of this Easter break for me (bar restaurant at home meal from Fade Street Social on Saturday night).

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The blue dips are all where I had to stop running. I was using my lap pace on my watch as a rough guide. Once I kept it close to 5 overall I knew I was safe. My aim at 5k was to finish under 50 so was happy enough considering where I was at that stage


Iā€™m getting out tomorrow myself for the head more than anythingā€¦ Iā€™ve been a one man show for over a week with the Mrs under the weatherā€¦ Iā€™m here now after a days work, dog and little lady walked, the house hoovered and floors swept and currently standing over a hot stove cooking dinner and then weā€™ll be onto cleanupā€¦ but in my mind Iā€™m running the quay here with flipbelt and expensive shorts (I can see my todger flailing side to side with each stride) and Iā€™m closing in on sub 50ā€¦

Like my todger, I just want to be free.


Fair fucks buddy