Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Touching the 4:00 min/km a few times you mad bastard. :open_mouth: I must check my own pace from the last run I’d say I kept it fairly constant other than pausing every now and then to breathe on slow-moving pedestrians.

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I think I got sunburnt running this evening at half seven. It wasn’t even warm. Either that or I burst a load of blood vessels in my face which is probably more likely actually

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Deadline is Monday night?

Monday at 11pm Ramsgrange time


Absolutely bolloxed after that


It’s a warm one out there, well done.

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I run on Duncannon time.

@Thomas_Brady seeking marginal gains


I think I strained something (hip flexor possibly) doing bridges and cartwheels with the girls this evening. Went for a run afterwards and it’s quiet sore now. Hope that won’t have me out for too long

37’ 49" for me. Perfect morning and not a breath of wind. Had company for first 5k which helped a lot. Thats the fastest 10k I’ve ran in 5 years.



That says it all, outstanding :clap:
The sky is the limit when we get back racing,
I never dreamed that a sub 40 was possible at my age but these solo runs have shown that anything is possible, you’d imagine that a race would gain you at least 30 seconds


Unbelievable. Fair play, pal. :clap::running_man::handshake:

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You really expressed yourself there

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I’d like to think I could go quicker once the racing starts back. I’m not doing crazy mileage at the moment so room for improvement. In saying that I got the pacing pretty spot on which doesn’t always happen in a race. I took the Next% out of the box this morning for first time since I ran marathon and I reckon they probably knocked 30 seconds off my time too.


Fair fucks. That’s a phenomenal run.

Were you wearing sunglasses?



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No sunglasses no party.

Winner winner chicken dinner


The intermediate-ranked Kenyan he hired to pace the first 5k was. The arms race just kicked up a notch