Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Yeah,my one and only 10k … Was under whatever the target was anyway.

An improvement on my previous effort, still nowhere near laying a glove on @Wexford1996 but no shame in that.

Anything sub 40 is serious clipping but sub 38 is disgusting quite frankly :grin:.


Well done fella, superb :clap::man_shrugging:
What’s your PB?

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Serious going and you had a decent bit of elevation in comparison to some of the others (including my own)

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Thanks you’re looking at my pb, hadn’t gone under 41 until the past couple of weeks.

WFH is giving me an extra hour a day that was previously spent commuting so I can get out 3 or 4 times a week now whereas it would have been once or twice otherwise.


I passed my first fellow jogger this morning. Irrelevant that he was carrying a 3ft fucking tree trunk on his shoulder. I’d just finished my 5k and was sitting catching my breath when he walked past. Not a bother on him as he commented, not boastfully, that he ‘only’ done 5km.


Bit of discrepancy on the time there as I had to stop and tie a lace late on. 43:47 including the stop. Very happy with that.


Well done, that was off fuck all training really?
You’ll be troubling 40 before you know it

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I’ve declared at 51 mins. Will there be any other times coming in?


The final results are in for the 10k Lockdown Run Challenge 2021.

Congrats to @Wexford1996 for the overall win at the Senior grade. An incredible result of 37:49 made him a clear winner by over 3 minutes or what it takes @artfoley to run 400 metres. Well done to Gavrilo-Princip and backinatracksuit for making the senior grade of sub 42 minutes. The injured @fenwaypark who could not compete is relegated to Senior B for the 10-mile challenge.


Senior B
Congrats to @Loko_Cove for winning the ultra-competitive Senior B grade. Three and a half minutes covered the whole grade with PhattPike and alf_stewart also making the standard for the senor B grade, great running lads. @Crutches was a non-runner and is automatically relegated and is joined by @flattythehurdler in dropping to the Intermediate standard next time out. Flatty goes down as his time was slower than the best at the Intermediate grade and helps with housekeeping to have two groups of six at the senior and senior B grades.


@RaymondCrotty was a clear winner at this grade by over a minute from Fran. We had four out of five make the grade which was a great result. Unfortunately the super efforts by @count_of_monte_crist was not enough to keep him up and he drops down a grade. @TheUlteriorMotive and @Juhniallio also drop down a grade as they did not participate.


Intermediate B
This grade was all about @Bandage. The improvements that our portly friend from Wexford made were incredible and he is a credit to himself, his life partner and his children. Also promoted is Thomas_Brady who kept us all entertained by his tails of fantasy of what times he would achieve but yet could not deliver. To be fair to the Samoan he did reach the target of the grade, as did @Ralphie. Relegated are Spidey, Jahan, Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, Julio_Geordio and the one and only artfoley who, like the England rugby team in 1972 wasn’t very good but at least he turned up.


One competitor in the end and @mikehunt gets promoted as he also made the divisional grade.


I am going to step aside now and usher in Mac as the new administrator of the Lockdown Run Challenge 2021. 10 miles or 16.2 km is the next target distance for those who wish to take part. I would suggest that the Intermediate B and Junior grades be amalgamated into just a Junior grade. I’ll send on who’s in what grade in a later post.

If I have made any mistakes in the times please let me know and I will amend them.


I won’t be long now lads…but dere’s a few people I want ta tank.


Here are the grades for the next challenge. In alphabetical order for names but ranked by the number beside the name.


There seems to be inconsistency in how the rules are applied across the grades.


If poor @count_of_monte_crist gets relegated for not making the sub 52 grade, why didn’t both @Fat_Pox and myself get relegated from Senior?

He now has to run with the lads with one leg, pushing buggies and/or dressed up as chickens.


You could say he’s the Offaly of the forum.

I see now he’s effectively been relegated two divisions :grinning:

How am I promoted? @Bandage deserved it and I wish him well going sub 60mins for 10 miles.

@count_of_monte_crist ran a sub 53 minute 10k. He’s now in the division with @mikehunt who ran a 65 minute 10k. The promotion relegation is a bit of craic, but generally your times and grading are around right so not sure if we need to have promotion and relegation for lads barely missing their cut. @bandage deserves to go into the inter section as he made that cut, and most of the others are thereabouts, but better to have the groupings of a similar standard rather than sending lads relegated who would smash that group and just be promoted straight away. So maybe instead of relegation we just fire loads of abuse at them as punishment for missing the time

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And don’t mention the fellas who entered a time & weren’t counted :cry:


@Bandage has to go up, he earned it.