Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge


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I must say Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve left sports administration behind me :popcorn:

do we have official word on the next challenge?

10 miles I think.

@Mac is the gaffer for this round

Probably because I was taken out the back and shot for not posting a time.

The next challenge will be 10 miles.

My first act will be to ignore @Lockeā€™s ridiculous grading system.


As I said in the post, if I missed your time let me know what it is and Iā€™ll amend the table.

As for relegation, read the times, itā€™s all legit. @Thomas_Brady gets promoted as his time was better than @count_of_monte_crist who also didnā€™t make the Intermediate grade with his time which was the slowest at the grade by far. Sure @fenwaypark has the potential to trounce all at the Senior B grade and @Loko_Cove will have to work hard to stay up at Senior level. @flattythehurdler drops down a level due to @RaymondCrottyā€™s time being better.



You hook nosed cunt!! I spent half the morning working those out!


for fear of defending counts position too much, but you even congratulated him on his sub 53 minute 10k on strava!


Pick 4 times and let lads sign up to a timeā€¦ Just make sure @Bandage goes up a level to whatever time he picksā€¦ He earned it.

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10k bust my hamstring, not a hope Iā€™m signing up for 10miles.

Slow runs shouldnā€™t be doing your hammerā€¦ It was the 5k what done it.

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Ah Jaysus Iā€™m sorry pal. I have you in the participation list but not in any of the grades, this is probably why I missed you. Your excellent time is too good for Senior B so you get promoted.

cc @Mac

Jesus this is a shambles! Never again.

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sub 52 was the mark not sub 53. @Locke has adhered to the parameters set down and correctly so.

Iā€™ll get in to the swing of things, not sure I have the appetite for 10 mile with the impeding return of the GAA but sure we will see

youā€™re like the senior player now going back playing Junior B in midfield smashing up all the cunts and winning all around him by getting relegated. Youā€™re in the right division, your 10k is closer to 52 minutes than 58 minutes and your 5k is closer to 25 minutes than 28 minutes.

Agree on the 10 mile challenge too. Not sure my knees will take that distance, 10km at good pace was enough really, might go back to shorter runs for my own sanity.

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16k is a huge step up from 10k, weā€™ll lose a lot here but those that manage this will become proper ā€˜runnersā€™
I was running for about 6 months Iā€™d say before I went that far

Well done to anybody who completed a 10k, nothing to sniff at


No problem @Locke . Thanks for adding me anywhere ,I joined late so wasnt your fault I wasnā€™t in a table.

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I havent run that far in NINE years ā€¦ iā€™m not sure I want to. But the thoughts of smashing @Fran and @Locke again is very tempting

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