Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

The only things you’ve smashed lately are a few easter eggs

Not as hilly as some recent efforts but a good workout this morning.


Happy to give that post it’s 10th like mate.

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I’d say there’s some amount of old hidden ways across the border up there.

Plenty of them pal. You could be running along and hop a fence and you’re over it

Inspired by @caulifloweredneanderthal. Longest run in over a year and my longest in Cambodia for a few.


Superb, what was the temperature Raymond?

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30 degrees. Hottest time of year but overcast today which helped a lot.

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Good god, well done :clap:


You’ll have rain soon… Ive been in that part of the world in April a few times and the humidity is tough, running in it must be horrid.

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Always trying to segway your travels into others conversations…

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I don’t think I’d manage 1km in those conditions

They said it would never happen. They were wrong.


Did you stop for a no 1 or no 2? :sweat_smile:

Well done chief, serious mileage. Consider gels and a belt to hold a drink if you are going on long runs in the heat.

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*Heads over to Strava to give necessary kudos

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Well done @Bandage :clap:

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Serious calories burned :hot_face:

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Lads, genuine question. For the 10 mile challenge, would you prefer the groups challenge as put together by @caulifloweredneanderthal and @Locke where everyone in the group has the same target?

Or would you prefer an individual target based on some mathematical wizardry incorporating last years 10 mile time and using avg pace from this years 5k and 10k challenges?

Poll opened till 1pm tomorrow if you could let me know. Cheers.

Groups vs Individual Target
  • Group Target
  • Individual Target

0 voters

Your heart rate mate, some serious high beats going on. At around 2.5 km there’s a big jump, any reason for that?