Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge


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Just saw that on Strava. My route was 2km covering the main avenue and looping around to the rose garden followed by 7 laps of the 430m rose garden itself. That massive heart rate jump was after around 2.4km or 2.5km. Probably after 1 rose garden lap and the realisation I had to do another 6 of the bastards.


I beg your pardon, you really crushed that rose garden

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You don’t want to know the number! I’ve never tried gels but might try the local wet market to see if any alternatives are available. Eat loads of salt which helps.

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Well done @Bandage. Great running. Proof that long runs will bring down shorter distance times.


Great stuff, bit more improvement in you judging by pace for your last km.

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Sweet Lord that is some effort. :clap::clap::clap:

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Your average HR puts me to shame. :clap::clap:

It was coming, well done.
A bit more distance running to build up the heart and you’ll be destroying that if you keep going.
I love how you’re doing 80% of that at max HR, that’s a ballsy run.


It really warms my heart to witness your improvement right before my very eyes.

You must have been dizzy at the pace you were going around that rose garden.

Bumping this for anyone who hasn’t responded yet

I’m rehabbing at the moment but a group activity might be a good idea. Allows new lads to tackle 5k, others to move to 10k or 10miles while those experienced runners could step up to half marathon.

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@backinatracksuit or other lads with a flipbelt - have you ever carried water in it? I did last weekend in the back pocket and the weight of it meant it was sagging down around behind me for a lot of the time. Would it be that I bought one that’s too big or is this normal enough?

I don’t know,
I could only fit a very small bottle which wouldn’t weigh enough to make it fall, mine fit very snugly, I wear it above my waist so it can’t really fall as my arse is in the way.
I suspect it’s either too big or you’re trying to take too much water. 200mls of water is enough for a few hours, don’t be afraid to try out the gels or sweets

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What size water?

300ml - the bigger one in the below link


Get a soft flask pal


I use something like these. Never any issues with them in the Decathlon shorts (I should be on fucking commission from Decathlon)

I just ordered one of these - may order one of yours now!

The 500ml will probably be too big for that Flipbelt I’d say mate. 250ml is probably what you’d get in it.

I was eyeing up this job myself. Takes a 600ml soft flask (which comes with).

Pricey and hard to find