Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Had it wrong. 38km with just 2900m of climb. :face_vomiting:


Question for the fitbit/strava usersā€¦ If my fitbit fails to track half the run on GPS map how does it measure distance? My watch and strava have me logged at 18km but will that be anyway accurate? Does it try use steps taken to measure the distance? Is there a way to sync Google maps data with strava? More importantly will my time be considered for the compā€¦

The question is why did it fail to track half the run?
It may have measured in a straight line as the crow flies from the point when the watch was stopped, which wouldnā€™t be in your favour,
Post up the map and splits etc, weā€™d have a good idea then

Seems to have stopped tracking on the map up around inchicore.


Good running kid.

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Youā€™re getting very good at this running lark

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The pace is consistent, are you happy you ran 18k? Looks like you took a small break in the middle??
The 10 mile is only 16k, you could go faster for sure in 3 weeks

What does the Fitbit app show on the map?

@Mac - 5km 4:28, 10km 4:45

Today was a fail, only got as far as 11km before I pulled up, legs like concrete. Still the furthest Iā€™ve ever run I guess. We go again.


Fitbit map is the same! I went and plotted the route on Google maps. Told me it was 17.35kms. Considering I ran a few bits off route to avoid stopping at lights etc thatā€™s pretty accurate if it was just calculating off my steps for 3/4s of it.

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See above with regard to distance. I didnā€™t have any break in the middle! Stopped to tie my laces during the first km and after that only slight delays at lights/crossing junctions.

Small dip in your HR around the middle, thatā€™s unusual when youā€™re still keeping the same pace, itā€™s a really good run in any case


Achill in the far background


Are we mountain climbing now? ā€” Another 3kā€™s worth of mountaineering products to be unleashed on us ā€¦


Lovely. Be some craic running down that :smiley:

@Loko_Cove - are you doing the 10 mile challenge? If you are, fire up your 5k and 10k times here

Whatā€™s this now?

Havenā€™t been following the last 3 days. But itā€™s put up your splits is it?

Throw up your splits for the 5k and 10k if you did them. Iā€™m gonna try and give everyone a 10 mile target time to aim for and then we can figure out a group thing after that

Edit - pace, not splits

Double edit - same for you @Fat_Pox