Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Sassy Told You So GIF


What’s 10 miles in new money?

16km or so

Jaysus, I wouldn’t like to have you selling rope for me



Around 16.1

I finished a run on 15.7km at the weekend :man_facepalming:

400 more metres and you’d have it in the bag. I’ve seen lads run 21km and wonder why they didn’t get a half marathon time (that’s around 21.1)

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You steamer

A little over 8 miles this morning, as I build up to 10 miles/16.1km. Found the first 3km very smooth & easy but it quickly became a real slog. Will try to do 9 miles late next week and then 10 miles for the Great Limerick Run over May Bank Holiday Weekend. 5:21/km is around my 85/86 minute target time for the race.


Did you see yourself running 10 miles at the start of January? You’re making big improvements every week pal.

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@Mac is this approx 4:30 per km pace? :dizzy_face:

4:31 or 4:32 - not a bother to you. Sure you maintained 4:21 for 10k

My target is over three minutes faster than I’ve ever ran 10 miles according to strava.

I don’t think it’s remotely possible :frowning:

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not with that attitude any way


What’s your best 10 mile time?

Around 73 minutes as part of the GLR half

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Just do that again. But faster

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Looks like I’m bang on track to make it 3/3 failures in the challenges :grinning: