Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

You’ve got Frank Murphy working behind the scenes somewhere to ensure that you’ll never relegated.

only one thing for it, a pair of vaporflys

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Its always going to be an imperfect process when its done individually but I’ve tried to make it consistent based on everyones 5k / 10k times from this year. Maybe that makes it harder at the faster levels.

I was going to put random groups together and allocate points awarded / deducted based on who hits / misses their target time to try make some sort of team element but maybe that’s unfair now if the times are too aggressive?

Or maybe I’ll put @backinatracksuit and @TreatyStones in the same group for their moaning so they’ll likely lose :joy:

Not a chance. My routine was a 3.4km loop after the crèche drop off, ending at the local coffee shop, and picking up a chocolate croissant and some other pastry with my coffee.

But I think it was @TreatyStones who said you can’t outrun a bad diet and that struck a chord with me when you set up the February 5km challenge.

Without going on a diet per se, I’ve stopped eating so much rubbish and I started to enjoy the running too.

I just hope my journey from obese down to overweight on the Body Mass Index has inspired others.


It’s a journey we all must make and many times…

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I had a very meaningful Christmas.

I started off trying to out run the pandemic, both physically and mentally …I was fasting 16 hours a day , running ,kettlebells …I’ve since decided to eat my way out…with an unhealthy sprinkling of gambling and box sets …the results have been astonishing …I’m like a fisherman who’s just landed at shore after a few months at sea …I plan to revert to fitness some Monday soon…fcuk it.


Ah lookir, I’ll run as fast as I can anyway,
But 72 minutes is an aspirational target for me, 69 and change will kill me

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The flipbelt is the greatest thing ever invented.

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Great to see the progress that fellas are making.

I’m still working on my 10km effort. Sole attempt so far was 61mins. It amuses me that sub 58 has become a target even though it was just arbitrarily set here for part of a challenge that has already finished. Anyway, not too far away from achieving it.

8km today in 45mins, two very bad kms in the middle where I was totally out of breath, but progress nonetheless.


where did you gets yours…

Asian child slaves

Isnt that where they are all made? I just cut out the middle man who adds 20 euro to the price … @count_of_monte_crist I got it on Aliexpress… It took 5 weeks tho. The mrs makes clips and hairbands for young girls and gets lots of her stuff from there so I gave it a whirl. The item is perfect, you’ll be waiting tho.

Any of ye read it?

You’d want to give those fingernails a good scrubbing @Arthur

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I have it, haven’t read it all but dipped in and out.
Very basic concept, more milage but ran at a very easy pace, constantly building aerobic capacity and allowing for quick recovery to go again next day.
It’s similar to how most top africans train, although ‘easy pace’ is obviously dependent on your race pace.

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My runs have been very limited recently and fitness gone back slightly… so I was forcing my runs when out on them and getting no where. But thanks to @Bandage advice I went out nice and slow this evening and went a tad over 10k no probs. Would have made 11 but I got a call to come home as the dog got out. I’ve been asking advice here for years and it was always go out hard as you can… Thank you @Bandage


Well done, not a massive drop in pace though.
You only ever go out hard if you’re chasing a time on that particular day, running hard every time out is absolute lunacy


My plan was to run for a hour and not distance…i would have done the last 3 mins but for being summonsed home… I was so lost in my music the first time I checked the watch I was expecting to see between 6-7k and it read 8.4… I thought I was going very slow but obviously as you said I was only a bit off normal pace

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Did you get a pair of running shoes yet? Everything else is gravy, I’m a dope for shiny things myself but shoes make a big difference