Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Nothing hectic.

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What were you listening to?


Fair play TB. But what advice did I give?

Slow and steady, build your aerobic capacity ā€¦ Long slow runs will help you run quicker shorter onesā€¦ Or something like that.

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Sounds plausible, although it was probably advice someone gave to me rather than me dishing it out.

Itā€™s no mean feat to run non-stop for nearly an hour with ankles as chunky as yours.

Wowsers. I actually have girly ankles. Thanks for the compliment.


Aldi have running glasses


Cc @Thomas_Brady

Through the 7k today @caulifloweredneanderthal. Didnā€™t have a lot of time so a fairly sharp 331m over 8km. No flat, just up and down. Fair torturous

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I must admit to losing my gra for running. Its a pain in the hole coming back from injury. I had a tumble while out running yesterday, which is compounding my mood. I will still kick everyoneā€™s ass in the 10 mile challenge (bar @Wexford1996 ).


Great stuff today @backinatracksuit :clap:

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I felt that way during the 5k challenge where it was a chore. Itā€™ll come back soon enough. Get off on a few routes with views rather than through the built up areas of Dublin and it might help.

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Hit a few trails pal. Itā€™ll sort you out good n proper

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Nice one mate. Hope to get over the 11k tomorrow. Not bad for what will be about 350km running

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Itā€™s back, this is strange, I didnā€™t get that notification, still havenā€™t :man_shrugging:

First time in the hills this year @caulifloweredneanderthal, did keeper and the loop, it was the first time I got up there on a clear morning, legs were tired as I did a quickish 10k yesterday as well, just decided on a figary to drive out there this morning, going up was tough


Struggling with stiffness during any run I do at all the last couple of months. Never really had to deal with it before, I wouldnā€™t mind going slow, but the calves and quads feeling like concrete blocks early into a run is a real drag. Might be overdoing it but I suspect its just an a symptom of overall tiredness; fatherhood has made 6am Euronews a part of my day that I never wanted to be part of my day.

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And to you, Iā€™ve just seen your run from today, theres two massive kilometres there where youā€™ve climbed 200 metres in 15 minutes, ballsy stuff there. :+1:

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Decent pace too.

Thatā€™s the way weā€™d usually do it if going the roads. Thereā€™s a nice little descent off the back off it too if you could past the summit :grimacing:

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I went up in light running shoes, to be honest thereā€™s no need for trail runners as itā€™s really only the last 500m to the tip that youā€™re running on loose rock, itā€™s a very handy ascent on the fire roads, met a lovely man at the top and shot the breeze with him for 5 minutes before turning around, he said itā€™s much nicer to come from the Killoscully side?