Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Its a pain of a run cos itā€™s just straight up with no respite. Grand when youā€™ve only an hour but youā€™ve no relief at all till the top.

This is a lad I was in college with who does a fair bit of trail running. This would be insanity in my view but fair fucks to him

The Killoscully side would possibly be coming up from Gloun. Thay would be a very steep open mountain climb and descent back down.

Yes, ran up and down keeper in Asics road shoes many many times.

Iā€™m thinking of doing Kerry Way Lite in September. Youā€™d be well able for it mate.

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58k? I would in my fuck!

Elevation isnā€™t much though. I think approx 1300m which sounds a lot but over 58km isnā€™t too bad. I know that over the course of 60km, Iā€™d be walking the guts of 15km+ at a minimum.

Elevation wouldnā€™t bother me. Iā€™ve never run beyond 21km and donā€™t have much appetite for it either!

I just looked at your Strava from today. What kind of surface was there en route to the top? You had a very good pace for that elevation. Much faster than Iā€™d do it these days.

Iā€™ve done a fair few legs of the Kerry way now.

If you were confident with the weather I canā€™t think of many better ways to spend a few days, my wife and daughter did most of it over 4 days and three nights, that was walking

Ah the first 2.5k are gravel fire roads. Then about a km of softer path. You hop a fence then and the last 500m to the top is pure rough mountain terrain. Almost impossible to run on due to surface and incline.

Its pure terrain coming from the other side but I need someone to show me the way, thatā€™ll be in the next few weeks. I went over the top and down a bit and then came back up on myself. Much more enjoyable on that type of terrain than fire roads obviously.

This is the view once you hop the fence, taken on a cloudier day


Thatā€™s a grand track. A fair bit of what Iā€™d be doing lately would be what is left of the track

Youā€™re the next grade up from me anyway. Most of what Iā€™m doing is on pre worn paths or waymarked routes. Mainly since most of it is on my own. Once I get out with a few others I can explore a bit more.

I was similar a few weeks ago. Not being able to run fast sessions was getting to me and was a bit fed up with it all, but seemed to turn a corner to past 2 weeks. I got a few decent fast kms under the belt on Wednesday and Iā€™ve been buzzing since.

Going to give the 10 mile a rattle tomorrow and see how it goes


It seems the pressure of INTERNET challenges is causing cracks to appear all over the place

Ah I wouldnā€™t say anything bout a grade up. Iā€™m fierce slow. Weā€™re lucky that some of the mountain bikers have little trails made but other times we are really just trying to find paths that sheep have made over the years

My running companion has told me heā€™ll be slow tomorrow. Must be injured. Heā€™ll still be faster than me.


Heā€™s doing Ramadan. Heā€™s not Muslim but started doing it a few years back as he has Muslim friends and wanted to see what it would be like to test the body out. :grimacing::grimacing:


Ya but what did he give up for lent