Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Well done,
Were you a bit conservative out the gate?

Ya I was I suppose, but I didnā€™t really know what I had in the tank until half way. Only my 2nd run ever further than 12km so was wary at the start.
After the first 1km I thought Iā€™d struggle to keep 5 min pace.


Thatā€™s daycent running kid.

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Some paceā€¦I think your HR monitor is dodgy (105bpm for 4:09km) or else your heart is dodgy

He ate yesterday at 8:30pm. He wonā€™t drink water or eat again until tonight. We did 17.5km in the mountains with fuckall visibility.

A few prayers werenā€™t going to save me today


HR is way off on it lately. Iā€™m also wearing it loose on the longer runs as its irritating my skin a bit.

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I find sometimes on the downhills mine completely drops (like to.60/70bpm). I think itā€™s too loose and basically sags down. If I was ripped I suppose the muscle would keep it in place.

Iā€™ve stopped wearing my the last week or two. I realised that Iā€™ve been using the same one for nearly six years and despite the fact I wash it regularly, Iā€™m questioning itā€™s accuracy and the hygiene factor

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Running alone is a Cod tbh. I wouldnā€™t/couldnā€™t be at it. Iā€™d have zero motivation. Was cycling back this morning and we passed a British cycling lad headed in the opposite direction on his own. A nawful way to try and make a living I thought.

I love my own company. Id rather run alone.


Different strokes. Iā€™m happy in my own company, but hard work is nicer shared.

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I find running with someone else thereā€™s a bit of accountability. ā€œSee you there at 8amā€. Was pissing this morning and would have been easy to stay at home if I hadnā€™t arrangements made



Perfect day for it, overcast with a light breeze. Was against it going out but it gave me a nice little push on the way back when I needed it.


Well done. Savage running. Youā€™re in great nick.

You sick bastard :grinning:

Thatā€™s serious clipping, fair play :clap:

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Thanks Iā€™m getting out around 3 times a week on average, doing mostly short hilly runs and going as hard as I can.

Probably not the most sustainable model long term but itā€™s working for me at the minute anyway.

What are you targeting, will you go sub 60?


Wow, thatā€™s just awesome :clap:

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I will be lucky to go sub 70. Just back from injury.

The title of that run is a dagger to the heart of the Waterford lads around here

Great running :clap:
