Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

200m elevation too. Thatā€™s some proper running alright

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A good bit of the run was through ā€œdisputed zonesā€ alright :grinning:


I was going to say that. The likes of @locke out searching for the biggest hill to run down have been mugged off here

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My longest run since 2010ā€¦ The last 1.5k was tough.


Also, @macā€¦ Get you calculator back out and go again


Good run. Tees you up nicely to beat your target time :clap:

Great running. If you upped your mileage youā€™d be running serious times.


@Gavrilo-Princip has smashed his target by 5 mins and @TreatyStones is only 2 mins off his on his first ever attempt.

Maybe these targets are far too soft :man_shrugging:

Put your fuckin model in the bin and start again

70 mins. Thatā€™s your new target.

Donā€™t worry bud. Iā€™ll crash and burn and miss my target on my sole attempt (two days before the deadline)

Targets are non negotiable. Weā€™ll stick with 73.

I like the freedom of going out whenever I want and not having to wait around or commute.
I do need something in my ears but Iā€™m very content running alone, motivation isnā€™t a problem fortunately

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Unreal running/climbing today @TreatyStones, @Gavrilo-Princip, @caulifloweredneanderthal, @Thomas_Brady and others. Just back from a 7.5km jaunt myself and I hope the map is more pleasing on the eye than my recent efforts, @Fran.

I was talking to a REAL ATHLETE in the St Anneā€™s Park Playground this morning and she was saying that proper runners do the 4 mile park perimeter run, which Iā€™ve helpfully shaded in yellow. Itā€™s mostly nicely paved walkways with a few grassy bits.

Iā€™ve also shaded in the purple St Paulā€™s Secondary School pitches. Theyā€™re trying to sell the land, which was gifted to them by the council years ago, to developers for an apartment block development. In the grand spirit of NIMBYISM, I encourage everybody to join the protest against this.

Save our park.


Thanks, yeah I intend upping the mileage over the summer as the long evenings come in and Iā€™ll see where that takes me.

Whatā€™s your target?

Youā€™ll surely be comfortably sub 60 based on your 5 and 10k efforts?

What age are you?

Wouldnā€™t be anywere close to 60 mins. Ran just over 61 in Ballycotton when I was really fit 5 or 6 years ago. I might get close to 6 min miles for 10k in the next month or two. Thatā€™s 37ā€™12 but Iā€™m still a bit off that. 10 miles is a tough distance. Iā€™d say Iā€™d be around 63 at the moment. Havenā€™t been doing too many long runs so the distance might catch me out.


I was actually out in St. Anneā€™s Park today keeping an eye out for you pal. Itā€™s a fantastic spot, Iā€™ll be out there again. Would you ever think about running out on bull island by the golf course. I was out there today thinking it would be a great spot for a jog. Was also thinking the coastline itself would be great along the coast road. Thatā€™s what gets me excited these days, potential running routes, what a sad bastard


Spot on.

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I actually joined a St Anneā€™s Park Strava group and itā€™s giving me plenty of route inspiration alright. Iā€™m still kinda at the stage where I feel more comfortable being within the park, as itā€™s not far from my house! But I see some folks running what look like smashing routes that take in the park and then across to Bull Island and looping back into the park. I might try it soon enough alright.