Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

All good pal soundā€¦ Thereā€™s a few nappies in the car, do you reckon one would absorb an adult piss? cc @Bandage

Inspired somewhat by @Mac, I did my first half of the year on the hills, albeit at a much slower pace than Mac did.

We picked a somewhat handier route than usual, staying low in the mountains, so lower elevation per km. No big climbs, no big descents, just constantly rolling. Some fairly technical trail and a bit of finding sheep trail. We jogged til about 12km when we need to take a stop as my running partner needed some time in the woods and jogged back through what we now refer to as the ā€œdead sheep trailā€. Got back to the car around 16k, and my man who has been fasting was done. I switched my water flask for another in the car and said Iā€™d get the extra bit in but ended up having to run a few km on road. Where I thought there was a stile to cross there wasnā€™t and Iā€™m wary of going over fences when thereā€™s no clear access. I donā€™t want to piss off sheep farmers. When I eventually made my way back up onto the lower side of a mountain it was a little bit of hiking up. Decided not to go too far up and found a mixture of a mtb trail and a sheep path and made the rest up as I went along til I came back out at the road.


Do you ever drink Coke Zero? Tastes similar enough I think and no calories

PS up to 109km for April and about 3900 metres of climbing. That actually does put yesterdayā€™s race for Paddy O Leary into more perspective @Mac :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

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I think itā€™s fucking rotten. And I love a cold can of Coke. Nearly bought one in the shop on way home from run this morning

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Fair play @caulifloweredneanderthal :clap:

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Have never tried it. :cup_with_straw:

Keep it that way. There is speculation that the artificial sweetener used in diet coke/ coke zero/ Pepsi Max etc breaks down into a neurotoxin.

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Went out when I got home but it was all wrongā€¦ Tank completely emptied just after 9kā€¦ Itā€™s much warmer than I thought out thereā€¦ Stumbled on to 10.5ā€¦ we go again.


I drink a lot of pepsi max. Will knock it on its head.

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Its my hangover cure usually. Not that the hangovers are all that frequent anymore

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Says the man drinking a bottle of whiskey a week

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Yes, a 50ml bottle

And youā€™re still a lairy cunt with just that :smiley:

Flipbelt arrived. :ronnyroar:

I tried it on and the Mrs, from afar, thought by my gait as I pulled it up that I was trying on her underwear


From China?

I got a cheapo knockoff version on Amazon. Not the official model.

It will change your life.

Good listen this. Takes a good while to get to it but they start talking about a 50 mile race probably halfway through thatā€™s runners v horses in Arizona.

Finally broke 30 minutes.