Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

You are my next target if my new flip belt can shave off 7 seconds per km.



ā€œNormally Iā€™m just running as fast as I can and just waiting for it to be over,ā€

me too Emer.


Destroyed the record as well

Holy shit. I can just about scrape in under 20 and would nearly have a coronary in the process.

Is anyone doing the Belfast marathon in September?

I mentioned it at the time, but it was a sobering moment when the 10-year old son of one of my secondary school & UCD classmates easily beat me in parkrun in Wexford in 2019.

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I was having a look at it the other day. Have a deferred entry for Berlin which is September too but no idea what the chances of it going ahead or being allowed to travel. Iā€™ll definitely consider it. Seems to be a pretty decent climb at the half way mark from looking at the profile.

Yeah it looks like a pig of a hill there at halfway but a reasonable enough course other than that.

Havenā€™t done a full marathon before but seriously considering popping my cherry on this one.

Think Iā€™ll just book it and be done with it and hope thereā€™s no issues with travel come September.


Iā€™ve got the Keswick mountain festival fell run half marathon ** in September which should see me fucked utterly until mid November.


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25k in the mountains sounds like heavy sledging. Whereā€™s Keswick?

Lake District. I did one before of 17k. Brutal. Mainly the descents are awful on the legs.

What kind of elevation are you looking at?

Iā€™d say Belfast chance of doing one this year. Dublin probably less likely even though itā€™s a month later and I think entries were carried over from last year too. If you start building up the mileage from June youā€™ll be grand. Just make sure to get a few 20 mile plus runs into you before the day.

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About 900m ascent iirc.

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Iā€™d be surprised if Belfast doesnā€™t happen, and surprised if Dublin does.

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I donā€™t mind the hill running but more for enjoyment than racing. I donā€™t have the confidence for the descents and would lose minutes going down to lads that Iā€™d be quicker than on the flat.

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Iā€™ll not be racing. Survival is key here

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Yeah, Iā€™d be thinking along those lines too. Iā€™d say Berlin will go ahead but might be restictions and vaccine dependent or something like that.

Slow and steady and walk the steep sections. Youā€™ll be grand.

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Yeah Iā€™ll build it up bit by bit and hopefully be hitting the 20s by August.

Whatā€™s your marathon pb?