Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

2/5s of the way for my target distance for the year.
More importantly, Iā€™m past the halfway point with my elevation target for the year :sunglasses:


For anyone still trying to build up for 10 miles or further, this is well worth looking at as a plan



Can you throw it up for people not on instas.

Off the richter. Youā€™ve moved up the graded levels like another Wexford hero Princess Zoe

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Heā€™ll be full time professional soon

Great to see - I emptied myself to do a good time in the original sub 28 min 5k in Jan to leave a mallet hammer up the the hole of the RoCo downhill roller skater @Thomas_Brady but @Bandage has made clayne shit of us.


Iā€™d a chronic hamstring injuryā€¦ Iā€™m still dealing with itā€¦but you did well beating a man with one leg in fairness to youā€¦, I hope you put that medal up on your mantle piece you cunt

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Unfortunately I think Iā€™m injured now. Youā€™re at nothing on this thread if youā€™re not injured.


Sounds like you need a cork based movement coach

Youā€™re at nothing as a runner without a chronic, niggling injury.

What are you thinking of? A hamstring? Knee?


You are trying to do too much too soon. Going from what you ran for 5k versus your 10m effort is not sustainable. Hope you recover quickly.


I think Iā€™ll go for calf, itā€™s kinda seized up on me. If I canā€™t run, Iā€™ll join my life partner for the home mummy and baby boot camp zoom workouts.

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Would you not just give her a dart?

You need to find where itā€™s really tender and dig in hard with an objectā€¦ You can use anything, a pen, your phone or your life partnerā€™s vibratorā€¦ Hold it in and around that tender spot for 30-60 secondsā€¦ regular foam rolling and stretching thereafter.

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Thatā€™s it, Bob. Sure you well know from your many, many injuries that you need to find the trigger point on the calf. Sure the outward ā€œpainā€ might be down near the achilles but it could be emanating from much higher up. You need to pinpoint that spot and really dig into it. And you canā€™t leave an injury to settle for a while. You need to take the fight to it straight away and aggressively work on it. That was always the advice of lapsed forum member Kev.

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Thatā€™s loser talk @Bandage
Ignore him
Heā€™s playing mind games, you have him rattled to fuck here.


May I suggest that if youā€™re to keep this level of running up that you include a little bit of strength workā€¦ It doesnā€™t have to be anything full onā€¦ Calf raises, lunges, squats, glute raisesā€¦ That kinda thing. Once a week would help

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My legs are in shit from the mountains, do you build up a tolerance to this @Mac @caulifloweredneanderthal

Perhaps going up a mountain the day after a 10mile PB where I was practically throwing up and shitting myself when I stopped wasnā€™t a great idea :man_shrugging:

I think you might have already solved this one :rofl:

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You get used to them after a while but it depends how hard you go. If you give it a lot of welly on the downhills the quads will feel it the next day alright. Tbh my third or fourth ever run was on Keeper so I started running there as opposed to the roads.

As I said to someone the other day Iā€™m consistent - slow on the ups, slow on the flats, and slow on the downs.