Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I had similar after going up keeper a couple of weeks ago,
Itā€™s the quads that are tight alright @caulifloweredneanderthal

Do a few where you just take it easy coming down (e.g. if on very runnable forestry roads, hold back to a 5 min+ pace) . The temptation is to leather it.

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Rest, stretch / foam roll and youā€™ll be grand. Just a different type of running and your body needs to adjust

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Keep the strides short too, but Iā€™d imagine you know all that stuff @backinatracksuit

Thereā€™s three things right there that I canā€™t do

I think I have ADHD, I wouldnā€™t last 10 seconds with the foam roller, stretching seems like a waste of time when I could be ā€˜doingā€™
As for rest :grinning:

Cc @Thomas_Brady

Iā€™ve one of these on the way

Have you a massage gun?!

I have Voltoral and salt from the Dead Sea


Iā€™ll be interested to see what this is like.

Very enjoyable run in the storm.


Lovely hurling mate.

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Iā€™ll be doing well to do this 16km in 90 minutes I reckon.

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Well done, thatā€™s fantastic, you were flying it at the end.

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I only set out to do a handy run and didnā€™t really check the watch. Was against the wind for the first 8km and once I felt it in my back I pushed on a bit. Was pleasantly surprised when I saw the time. I really opened my legs and expressed myself for the last 800m home.


Be no bother shaving another 2 mins off that either Iā€™d say with a dry day. Looks a lovely flat route

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No huge hills but undulating enough at the same time. It was my first time going that way.

A real kick in the teeth from Strava today

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You know what you need to do pal

Advocating violence against another Strava user isnā€™t cool, pal.

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