Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Time to lock this thread?

Itā€™s slowly but surely killing us all.

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Youā€™ve flown too close to the sunā€¦come down a level and youā€™ll be fine.

Iā€™m down for a half marathon on the June weekend, not a hope. Can barely walk the length of myself without the heal hurting. This place has me broke!!

Iā€™ve created a monster

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The middle aged non athletes like myself, ie everyone bar around 4 lads here, need to start following the 80 20 method and running slow slow sloooow. You wonā€™t be able to put the times up here for validation any more but you wonā€™t get injured and youā€™ll enjoy it more.


Iā€™m back since Thursday night after my 5-day rest and self-administered treatment. Iā€™m due to do that wings for life run tomorrow at midday, but Iā€™ve a dose of the shits today.

Few beers tonight, GAA back on Wed.

I might give this 10 mile a rattle tomorrowā€¦


What distance is this run? Get yourself a bottle of lucozade sport this evening and pour half it out and refill with waterā€¦ will sort you out and restore electrolytes if youā€™ve got the scutters

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You could talk to your GP eitherā€¦ they can prescribe gainersā€¦

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I have 49km run this week at a slow enough pace. I need 3 to 4 days off after a fast run so Iā€™m trying something different. Iā€™ll report back at the end of the month to see how itā€™s going.


Takes great discipline to run slowly, but itā€™s definitely the way to go when you want to increase your distances and be prepared for occasional flat out racing


How much slower than your average 5k pace for instance are you going?

Iā€™m going between 5ā€™10-5ā€™45 per km usually. Flat out I could manage 4ā€™20ish for a 5km run maybe more now. If I donā€™t have 3 days rest though Iā€™m at nothing trying to go fast. Much rather be out running than itching to but be in bits. I did 12km today after a feed of beer last night slow enough but I feel great now. Hoping to get over 150km in this months. Hopefully 200km.


Itā€™s a quirky/annoying thing where everyone starts at the same time and the event app has a ā€œcatcher carā€ that starts 30 minutes later. You run until youā€™re caught so longest distance wins. I was looking the other day and the app doesnā€™t go amazingly fast and you could be running for 1.5/2 hours, even at a fairly conservative pace, before being caught. Iā€™ll see how Iā€™m fixed. Iā€™ll skip it if Iā€™m feeling dodgy or else Iā€™ll do a token half an hour run and allow myself to be caught. It even seems a bit ridiculous typing this out.


Have you all your running accessories ready?

Weā€™ve a c.16km route around and up to Slieve Gullion planned for the morning. Iā€™d imagine we will get lost a few times.


I do indeed, but Iā€™m on vacation and midday is an awkward start time for various logistical reasons.


Iā€™ve become so at-one with the flipbelt that I was halfway through a shower before I realized it was still on :joy:


We made a balls out of that. Made it up to Gullion grand but Iā€™d set up a route that would drop us down 3km and we would climb back up to Gullion a second time and then go down a different way. Running partner had route on his watch but we ended up going down the way we were supposed to go down after the 6km out and back shortening our route to 10km :grimacing: