Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Great point, well made ā€¦ Iā€™ve stopped looking at my watch - it just becomes all about pace - next km etc. etc ā€¦ Music is a great distraction to get lost inā€¦ i check the watch when I begin to flag to see where iā€™m at (usually 9k/10 mark) and itā€™s much more enjoyableā€¦ different story for serious runners obviously but Iā€™m enjoying my runs much more not worrying about time or distance.

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Most very serious runners will run a lot without a watch. They run by feel.

You can always tell a serious runner. He wonā€™t be wearing headphones.

Lads off on 20k runs with a few jellies and a desire for painā€¦iā€™ll take the headphones please Bob.

Some lads are running away from a monster.

Gyms opening soon broā€¦ All bout dem gainz now bro.

I did an outdoor class this morning. It felt good to be back. Sort of.

I got scholl heel supports and wore them yesterday when went on a short family hike. No pain this morning. Did the same distance the day before with no support and heel in bits. I think I might have cracked this one.

Just as long as you remember the support is just masking the injury/ painā€¦ keep up rehab work also. Did you get diagnosed or self diagnosis?

I was chatting to another runner friend of mine, he has it too. Double checked it with my physio then and he was able to give me the stretches to do. Fingers crossed itā€™ll work out.

This is a tad long but worth watching ā€¦ watch the lot of it.

cc @Bandage

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I have a little bit of pain on the outside mid part of foot.

Is that different to plantar fasciitis?

Yes ā€¦ PF is more underneath the foot and awful pain towards heelā€¦

Unless youā€™ve something like a stress fracture - You need work all along the outside of the calf on the same leg as the pain and down into the ankleā€¦ bet youā€™ll find a tender point or two along the way and dig into that mother fucker to release it.

Sorry I should have said, itā€™s on the sole of my foot but more on the outside part of the mid region. Doesnā€™t feel like anything overly bone related. Itā€™s kind of the opposite side of the arch in your foot.

Jesus - you should have saidā€¦ Youā€™ll be dead in less than 24 hoursā€¦ Send me your bonny.


That could be anything ā€” doest it get more painful as you walk on it?

Itā€™s not painful now but might be painful a certain point into a run or for a few days after.

Doesnā€™t really flare up after a 5k run.

Tailors Bunion maybe?

From googling I wouldnā€™t say so. Feels more like a sort of a strain along the sole of my foot.

Iā€™ve done my last few (few being the operative word) runs without the insoles I use for fallen arches. The runners are probably a good enough support for them to be without them. Plenty of foam roller and calf stretches and I havent had an effects of shin splints or calf soreness. I havent done more than 5k without an insole for those runs, but Iā€™d have barely been able to do 1k without being in bits before. training my feet cc @count_of_monte_crist.

sent you on a right Lower body program.

any of the rest of you crocks want it, slide into my DMS.

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