Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

cheers bud. look forward to using it on the soccer field! Stuck in goal again probably…

fire it over here chief

sent to your yahoo address

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It’s grand, but it’s not the flipbelt.
Why would you look for alternatives? :man_shrugging:

im not, came up in suggested products in amazon…

TFK is in partnership with FLIPBELT and i would do nothing to jeopardise that…

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12km done Saturday and not a bother on me Sunday. Had my first hurling training session last night and it was very harmless, and I’m feeling it in the legs. It’s all a cod lads :disappointed_relieved:

It’s the twisting and turning that’s getting you.

Running in a straight line only gives you so much.

I wonder would a bit of mountain running sort out the lads playing to go back doing a bit of hurling? Plenty of fucking twisting and turning in that

I’m heading over to a handball alley in an hour for this reason.
And to improve my diabolically shit weak side. :smiley:

That’s a waste of time fella



Oh it is yeah. The obvious improvement in my striking is complete coincidence.

Trust your experts!

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I did a lovely 15km tour of the mid/North Tipp border there. Some great views off the hills and managed to avoid the rain


Anyone still working towards the auld 10 mile challenge? Thread’s gone a bit quiet with plenty of lads injured and resuming team sport training.

I have a lot of work the next few weeks and busted my shoulder off the MTB the other day. I’ll be working a few weekends around Wicklow but this might also give me a chance to go running there. It’ll be 10 miles out on the mountains though I’d say.

I was hoping to do some serious miles this weekend but we’ve all been hit with a bad bug… I played over 1.5 hrs of 11 aside tonight for the first time in 6 months and I’m literally broke up.

Did that answer your query?


quelle surprise, going down like a dalway hurler after a tap :smiley:

I managed to get 6km done outdoors today @bandage. And then on my 1km cool down I began to feel my achilles starting to flare up a bit. 10 miles deffo not gonna happen.


Back training but I think we have the June Bank holiday free so might give it ago around the peninsula then…


I’m back playing team sport and that trollop Patricia has reclaimed the local legend along with some other flute called Mario who’s taken my title in another segment. Only hold the record in one segment now.