Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I’m gearing up to give it a rattle next weekend. @Mac how do I find my target time?
I think it was around 72 or 73 mins ?

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Post 3,751 on this thread. I bookmarked it, so I did .


Here you go @TreatyStones

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I’ll be hoping the go under that alright, I’ll aim for sub 72:30


My only bookmarked post on the entire board

I went at it nice and handy over the weekend, just to at least avoid a DNF. Chrisht I was in bits after it. I don’t think my heart rate went above 170 but I was physically battered - back, knees, toes bleeding, the wurxs. I spent the evening levering myself on and off the couch like a fella who’d been through a few hip replacements.

Now in my defence, my runners have seen better days… There’s a toe beginning to seek daylight out the front of one of them and the soles would definitely be well below minimum thread depth… Gonna purchase a new pair this week so might get another hop off it.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Was planning 14km this weekend and 16km the following.


Fair play kid… Im still in tatters from playing ball on Monday. Your summation there has put me right off going for a run.

I was doing crab walks and shuttle runs at 7am. Nearly killed me.

I’m doing crab shuttles and walk runs.

It’s important to keep the body guessing.

I had a few attempts at the previous challenges and reduced my time as I went along, but I’m going to leave it at 82:55 for 10 miles.

I’m back running regularly now after a little break followed by a few holiday jaunts, but I think I need a new challenge/race to keep me motivated. I guess it would make sense to target half marathon distance after doing 5km, 10km and 10 miles.

Maybe I just need to mix up my routes. I think I’ll do a Bull Island loop for a change on Friday morning (cc @Fran). I can probably make a nice 10km-12km route.


Longer distances I definitely find mixing up the routes a help. For shorter ones I like to know my visual markers for each KM, but for longer ones I like to mix it up and when you are covering 16 or 21km you get to see a fair bit.

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So I chanced Bull Island for the first time this morning in the wind and rain. A nice route through St Anne’s Park, onto Bull Island, down along the beach and up along North Bull Wall onto the Wooden Bridge and into Clontarf. The beach was very soft and there was a horrible head wind and driving rain coming back up along North Bull Wall so my second half was much slower than the first part when the wind and rain was at my back. I was absolutely soaked and very tired but wanted to get back up Sybil Hill Road to the park entrance in order close the shape on my map. Instead I gave up, but it was enjoyable in an odd way. It’d be a lovely run on a sunny day.


30 per cent off everything on Nike with code Summer21 if anybody fancies trying the % shoes

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Got that email too. Shall take a little look…

I picked up a pair of Nike React Milers at half price the other day (€65). Going to give them a go for a few runs and if I don’t like them I’ll try the Saucony ones recommended by BIATS, buying both would still work out cheaper than the Kayanos.

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@Mac put me down for 72:23


They’re grand. Mine just wore out and I’ve bought a new pair.