Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge


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There’s an Irish guy named Tommy Hughes who broke a good few over 60s world records last year from 5km up. Probably would have broken a lot more but for lack of races. He ran the marathon in the 92 Olympics.

I went for 5km last night with the new strap on bad knee…it worked a charm …when I finished the exact same pain I previously had was in my other knee :thinking:
It was very sore after. This morning is like it never happened !

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Check your watch. The run itself may have been a dream.


We could have Senior/Intermediate/Junior grade. 5km race. Sub 23s then sub 25s then junior for the rest. Someone in each division gets on better than what they declare themselves as then get promoted. Run it off each month. TFK hoodie to the winners.

Junior B an option?


Clipped in over the 100km for the month this evening on a non planned long run. Have been training for a quick 5k but I find the interval/fartleg stuff very hard on my own. It would be easier in a group. There is a running club not too far away and I might join up with them if things ever loosen up in a effort to do a quick 5k. Genetically i think i am a longer distance man.

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Averaging over a 5km per day?

Good tipping.

Getting out 6 days a week. One long run a week. The others are on a average 5k.


Slipped in a 10km tonight @Julio_Geordio, up to 63.8 for the month


55k after today. Slow and steady. Plan to knock out another twenty in the next four days


Same distance for me. Today was 5k dirty petrol day. Gonna try and get a 10k or two in to speed the thing up.

Any of ye ever have a go at the bronco test?

Does it involve telling a lady you rode her sister?


No it’s a 1.2km test that involves a lot twisting and turning.

Out 20m and back, out 40m and back, out 60m and back. x5.

Big thing in rugby I think. Would say most GAA teams are using a variation on that now as their fitness test rather than the old beep test

A lot more specific to field sports

Yeah I had a go off it about 6 weeks ago.

Brogan said in his book he went from 5.20 in January 2019, to 4.47 in April. I’d imagine by that stage at 35 years of age, he’d have been one of the poorest of the Dubs athletically.

The Dubs do it twice in the same session i think which must be cruel enough.

Think a lot of top backs in rugby get in the low 4s, some going

Sounds like shuttle runs without the rest.

5 sets doesn’t sound so bad but I’d still say I’d be walking for a finish.

I’d imagine the difference between a prop forward and back in rugby would be massive.

A good club GAA player probably looking at breaking 5.00.