Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I did that one Saturday and also took in Barnasligan forest which has good trail too and good viewing on the outcrop of rocks.

Is this fully online? If so, can you post up the link please?

@caulifloweredneanderthal could you just rock on and run up Keeper Hill if you had a bit of road running done?

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Absolutely. It’s got fire road the whole way to the top.

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There’s also a loop you can do @TreatyStones which would be about 9km-ish from car park.

Up and down to Keeper about 16kmish.

PM me if you need GPX files of route but it’s fairly straightforward

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I think they have the Sliabh Bui loop up for Wexford starting from Askamore.

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Is that part of the Dublin Mountain Way?

Can you stick up the Louth one and I’ll see if I agree with it?

Name: Slieve Foye Loop
Length: 9km
Waymarkers: Blue arrows
Route type: Loop
Elevation: 270m
Footwear: Road or Trail Runners
Dog Policy: Dogs are not permitted on farmland.

Route Information: This National loop walk brings you up to the mountains slopes above Carlingford. The walk is mostly on good paths marked with blue arrows. From the car park turn left and follow the blue (and green and red) arrows along the road to a T-junction where you turn left. The green arrows are for the shorter Commons Loop, the red for the longer Barnavave Loop. Entering the village “square” turn right and ascend to the main junction where you proceed straight on to the right of Savages Victuallers. Continue to follow the green, blue and red arrows (and the yellow arrows which are for the long-distance Táin Way) as the loop takes you to the top of River Road. The green loop goes straight ahead here – but you turn right onto a sandy roadway.

Follow the blue, red and yellow arrows along the roadway past gates and into forestry. The loop travels through the forestry for more than 1km before reaching a forestry track (on the left) where the two loops turn left and leave the Táin Way. Now you ascend gently to reach the edge of forestry and a 20m climb takes you to a stile over a wire fence. Cross the stile, turn left, and follow the wire fence for 1km to reach the end of the forestry. Veer right here. Continue to follow the blue and red arrows for 300m to reach a bend in a grassy roadway where you rejoin the Táin Way. The red loop turns right here – but you veer left and downhill. Follow the grassy roadway for 500m to reach a wooden gate – pass through it and follow the arrows to the left. The loop now sweeps downhill and right and, after 500m, joins a surfaced roadway. Here you rejoin the Barnavave Loop and turn left and downhill. The loop takes you down to the parish church on the outskirts of the village and then turns left and back to the village square. It’s only 100m from there to the trailhead. ( Aided by: Visit Louth & Sport Ireland)


Thanks mate. A handy auld forestry run is all that is.

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An enjoyable run up until mile 8. Started nice and early which helped but had to hang on for last couple of miles when legs were tired and it was hotter. Great to do regardless. Personally prefer this distance to shorter runs. Thanks for organisng @Mac


Fair play Ray. Great running :clap:

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You were absolutely flying mate :clap::clap::clap:
Temperature and humidity?

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Ps I found a film deep in the bowels of Amazon prime last night called 47 summits

Worth an hour of anyone’s time.

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:brendan: :brendanback: @RaymondCrotty

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Savage :clap:

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Started about 27 degrees and 85% but felt much hotter towards the end of the run. Weather will start to get cooler from next month which will make things easier.

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Oooooh. 80 metres short of the ten miles. You’ll have to GO AGAIN