Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

:joy::joy: fuck right off


Rules are rules

I’d have that as a DNF, truth be told.

CC @Mac

Some effort in that heat. Not sure I’d be able for it.


That’s a remarkable effort.
What was your heart rate?

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Well done that’s a great run
in a decent time.

Thanks very much. I’ve no idea on heart rate as I don’t measure it. I’ve done a good bit of running in the past few months which helps.

Well done on your 9.9 miles @Loko_Cove :clap:

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It was 200 yards to walk home after I stopped so abruptly, if that’s any help

If I add 90m odd based on your last km time it’s about 30 seconds so can give you a time of 1:20:23 if that works for you?

Or just go out and smash it next week. Do a check on Strava desktop site for the distance thingy we described here before in case your GPS left you short.

I’m scarlet for @Loko_Cove and his 9.93 mile effort.

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@Mac @caulifloweredneanderthal @xavier

Was about 54mins up, 38 down. I forgot to pause the watch at the top. Under estimated what was involved to be honest, nearly calved after 3km, and realised it was OK to walk for bits. Tough going now, but clipped down nicely.


Nothing wrong with that time :clap:

I couldn’t do 54 up these days. Although I’d bate you in it as I wouldn’t stay up the top and would give the downhill an absolute gallop if needed. My fastest 5km splits are coming down there :joy:


When your own turn on you, you know you’re bet.

Best just delete your original post and hope that a special CCCCCCC committee meeting isn’t called

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Lexlip. Where an inch is a mile.

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Catherine’s park is great for running

It’s extremely underrated. I usually go in the Lucan side and run by the river. Lovely when it’s quiet but forget about it after 12pm.

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Three weeks without a proper hill run until this morning :astonished:


Any lads on the route eating cold pizza?

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No pal!