Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Have a set of goals in mind for June. One of them being getting under 28 minutes for 5km. Best I’ve done is 29.04.

Will probably only do one run a week with hurling training happening. I think taking just over a minute off is doable in that time frame.

Just increase your stride a couple of inches.

I’m not built for heat. Buckets of sweat out of me after a handy paced 7kmish urban trail and path run

I’ve a haircut booked for tomorrow @Locke. Nearly made it the six months but the water dripping off my head at the moment was a timely reminder

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How are we looking for more attempts lads? I’m a definite DNS unfortunately, I can’t get the achilles sorted at all.

My plan is that a winner will be declared based on who has beaten their target time by the biggest percentage. This probably makes it more unfair for some of the faster lads but given there’s nothing at stake here only e-pride then its grand.

If you’ve submitted a time already could you make it easy for me and just requote that time and tag me in the post to save me going back through 2 odd months of posts

Bumped for @Mac.

82:55 for me.

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Doubt i’ll get it done — only getting out once a week now and seem to be maxing at 12k

How it started

Like Lads heading off to war waving excitedly from the trains.

How it ended

Like lads coming back from war. Broken.


Would it be a bit of a stretch to add a week or two extension? This weekend is out for me I’d say.

We’ve cemented a bond that will never be broken … we few, we happy few, we band of brothers.


6 months, fair play. I got a strong 5 months out of mine. Didn’t go too short though, enjoying the lush at the minute.

cc @backinatracksuit

A week or two shy of the 6 months unfortunately mate.

I’m supposed to do part of a marathon this weekend, not sure how far I’ll get, could be a half or ten miles, maybe 10k. If I do a half can I do a Flatty on it and pick out the best 10 miles?

I’m approaching the 6 months mark meself … it’s in an awful state

Go for it

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Work away but your time will be like a Limerick All Ireland Winners medal with a big * beside it

Ah fuck that. Summer hurling or nothing for me :grimacing:

I thought you’d just give it the Nat Phillips back, sides and top.

New running hat purchased for the trails @backinatracksuit :cowboy_hat_face:


Shit just got real


Does it help you run downhill faster?