Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Just tested it out and unfortunately not :frowning:

In better news I donā€™t have to carry the phone with me anymore

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Have we anyone out at all this weekend or do I just have to declare @Bandage the winner?

Iā€™m doing a half in the morning, @Bandage should have his gear ready as heā€™s under threat. Iā€™m flying fit, so I am.

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Nice gift to mark the milestone.

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The dampest of damp squibs in the end. Iā€™ll do some maths in the next 24 hours but I think itā€™s fair to say @Bandage is the likely winner :clap:


@Mac 79:10

Might have ended in a damp squib but I enjoyed the journey. Ridiculous things like internet 10 mile runs act as a good motivator for me. Enjoy following the progress of others too. Thanks for setting this up.


This may push @Bandage close - nothing is confirmed yet!

104 mins for me. But I was running a half marathon and it was the second leg and I was supporting a lady doing a full. Even at that I wouldnā€™t have gone much faster, the heat :hot_face:

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Not sure about your handicap system - I donā€™t think Iā€™m worthy tbh. Iā€™d be happy with a top eight finish on a fastest man first basis.

As @fenwaypark tells me, Iā€™m always going to get injured upping my volume from a low base. I took 5 days off at the start of May after the 10 miles following some calf soreness and then went back at it. Iā€™m managing it with stretches, foam rolling etc and trying to space out my runs - maybe morning one day, evening the next, day off etc - but itā€™s just not right.

Now I still broke the 51 minute barrier for 10km the other day but I think Iā€™m succumbing to the middle aged body breakdown like hundreds of others on this thread. Iā€™m off to the physio at lunchtime and itā€™s frustrating because I can predict that Iā€™ll be told not to run for 2/3 weeks and to do a list of the usual exercises.

But I probably need to go through the rigmarole before moving onto the next challenge.

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Single best injury prevention is glute bridge. See

I do 3 sets of 15 since I injured my calf and its made world of difference. All power comes from your glutes. When they are not firing, something else further down the chain gets overloaded and thats why you get injured. Do these before you go for a run, slow down (you are still running way too quick).


Thatā€™s a great bit of advice.

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Iā€™ll give that a whirl, thanks. Itā€™s all relative I guess, but I find the time window between pushing as hard as I can and making the distinct effort to go slowly quite narrow. I might go as quick as I can and barely break 5:00/km and then feel like Iā€™m barely moving and itā€™ll show up as 5:25/km or something. A 25 second difference is less than 10% of the overall time/km, according to my maths, but the effort expended feels far greater/lesser from one km to the next to me. Maybe I need to work on training my mind just to go out and tip along at the slower pace for an entire run. Iā€™d often do a slow first two kms and almost unknowingly speed up then.

That said, if I didnā€™t push myself then I probably wouldnā€™t have bothered trying to get up to 10 miles to begin with. I think it was actually @TreatyStones who said during the 5km challenge in Februaryā€¦great battle between Bandage & Thomas Brady but youā€™d feel that Brady can go up another gear and win this one. To be honest, I was fucking disgusted reading that and vowed to cripple myself going faster in the aftermath. Job done.


Iā€™ve had a great influence on your career. Iā€™ve inspired you with the right mix of bullying and sensible advice.


I am actually the exact same as this, in that I find the slow runs no easier than the fast ones. Certainly not proportionally easier at least. Iā€™d come back from a 5:30 pace run and think there is no physical way I could have gone a minute faster per km there.

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Exactly. Or sometimes they even feel tougher to me. You might get into an easy rhythm going faster (not full pelt) and you lose yourself in your music, podcast or whatever. But youā€™re focusing too much on trying to hold back that it becomes an effort/chore. Itā€™s like a striker trying too hard and not letting it flow naturally.

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didnā€™t get out for this lads, Iā€™ve only ever run 10 mi once before and that was an absolute plod and wrecked my legs for a few days, being back with the GAA I have decided to file A DNP.

My long distance season is generally winter so will happily partake in anything from October to March.

My apologies to all concerned.

plus 1 to that. Went up to GAA training on Friday and they had a fucking fitness test planned. Should have gone to more trainings to know to avoid that one. Did perfectly fine in the training, but beyond fucked the day after. Went out for a 5k on Sunday just to try loosen up and it nearly made me even more sore. so will focus on staying fit for the pitch activities for a while anyway and throw in the odd run when I can or when Iā€™ve not done enough in a week.

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might be time for the return of the vertical challenge lads :slight_smile: