Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I can steal your QR code.

Work away, you’d run it much faster than me. I’ll give you my Strava log in too. Job is oxo.

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An easy progressive run today. Nice and controlled. You on the other hand…


I’ll have a bar stool warmed up and ready for you when you finish

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A friend told me the best kebab in Ireland is in Bray

Average finishing time is over 6 hours :grimacing: And I’m slower than average usually :joy:

You’ll be waiting a while.

Nice to see a more sensible pace from you today, FWP.

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Some growth on this route from back in January


@Bandage , do you just run every run as hard as you can? Honestly, you are going to get injured. You need to slow down. Your HR should be about 130s on most of your runs. When your HR is 160 plus you are doing session type runs. Those should be once or twice a week at most.

Most runs should be easy. For you easy should be slower than 9.30 min per mile. As you get fitter this naturally gets quicker.


You have him well rattled @Bandage



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Flesh that out like a good lad

Don’t mind him @Bandage . He sees you catching rapidly up and his manhood feels threatened.

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Jesus wept

Based on the kms mentioned here, I can’t tell if some of ye are running, cycling or driving.


That legendary sense of humour of the serious athlete coming to the fore.

No just one poster giving another poster some helpful advice.

With @Bandage its full duck or no dinner.

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He trains and plays like Vol James McLean


You left out pushing buggies

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