Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I’m going to start trying to do my runs early in the morning for the rest of the summer. It’s just too busy in the evenings and I’m not getting out half enough


I’ll try again, @fenwaypark. Does that advice on heart rate apply even for the 6km-7km runs I do most days? I’m running about 35km-40km per week over 5 runs. 4 of the 6km-7km type and 1 around 10km. My max heart rate would be 180 so.

@TreatyStones I find wfh has really allowed me to get out in the morning and set me up for the day. I would highly recommend it.

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This explains it better. There are various ways to find max HR. Just substract age from 220.

You should be doing easy runs in the blue zone. These are your regular runs, whether 5k or longer.

I’d do a good few of my easier runs slower than you. You should be able to hold a conversation if you were running with someone else. You seem to be running all your runs at tempo pace. Once or twice a week is enough to be doing that. Listen to @fenwaypark 's advice.


How every often should one change their HR monitor strap? Mine is approaching 7 years old. Not sure it’s the most hygienic to have it that long and it was giving me false data a while ago (e.g. 172bpm when walking or 130 when flat out) so I’ve ditched it.

No idea.

You do realise who you’re talking to, right? @Bandage once claimed to be jogging at 300 km/h. He’s an all or nothing kind of runner.

Thank you @fenwaypark & @Wexford1996. I’ll try one of these tantric runs now after the crèche drop off.


I did my usual 3km run this morning at 7.30am. Home and out of shower by 8.00am. I’ll tip away at a bit of work now before reformer pilates at 11am.

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An unplanned run this morning. Got up with the intention of getting back on the bike after a lengthy layoff. Got to the first roundabout and gears not shifting. Came home to try and fix but no joy so ended up going for a run down by the shore trail. It’s close as fuck out lads. I’m sweating buckets here.


3km is a good distance to be running. It gives the neighbors an impression you are big into the fitness, it’s long enough to get you seen around the village and in reality you are doing fuck all.


I did it Tuesday morning this week, and I’ll get out two mornings next week. It wasn’t possible during the year with school runs but I’ll try and make the most of it during the summer.

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“he’s out every day, he must be flying fit Breda”


I was going to ask the same question. Mine just stopped working. I changed out the battery but it’s still not working. Is it the strap or do I have to buy the whole lot?

Breda straight up the stairs to rub one out…


Go to bed a bit earlier, get up a bit earlier.

It’s a great way to start a day, although I’m too exhausted usually after a days work that I’d never get out.

@Bandage, it’s harder to run slow than run fast, it feels like you’re not running at all once you go below 5:45 a Kilometre
Try to take it handy, maybe knock 30s a k off what you’d like to be doing, it’ll improve stamina and speed in the king run


I’m sure you’re all over this but here is some advice from Garmin


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Might do a battery change actually. See if it makes any difference. The strap is starting to fall apart anyway so might be time for a change

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Recreational runners hate a lad who has a holistic approach to fitness. And them plodding along on codeine and knee braces with bad hips.


I’d just wipe it down with alcohol gel, and wash the strap if it’s removable. You’ll get false data an odd time always. I get my HR off the watch these days and the same thing, you get an odd aberrant reading but it’s pretty good for the most part.