Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

5:32/km for 10.5km and I think I failed the heart rate challenge @fenwaypark. My max should be 181 so that 70%-85% middle zone would be roughly 126-154. I started off within it but settled in the 160s with an average of 161. I must change my Garmin watch setting so heart rate is on the face of it along with time, distance, time/km etc. I was going by feel. But itā€™s weird, it took a lot of focus and concentration and I felt very tired even though I was going slower than usual. I stopped about 0.75km before my target end point (Bank of Ireland ATM in Killester village).

@backinatracksuit I agreed with your point during your hiatus a couple of weeks back. I could feel like Iā€™m barely moving and get 5:35/km and really try hard and not even break 5:00/km. The time difference is quite small for the large gap in effort.

@TreatyStones one of the benefits of living in shitty Dublin suburbia is that it allows the drop off on foot and you can commence your run from there. None of this driving everywhere and even having to drive somewhere to start your run, if you donā€™t want to be running on local/main roads. You should really think about moving to Dublin.


I am considering upping it to 4km in the coming week but trying to remain at a consistent 4.53 per km. Really concentrating on my running style.

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Iā€™m also not loving the Nike React I got. I find they really exaggerate the camber of the road. On the dead flat they are nice but if running on a road with a run off they really seem to hurt the outside of the outer (left) foot. Perhaps I do need a stability shoe of sorts.

I think Iā€™ll go for your saucony guide recommendation.

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He does feel harder but the benefits are huge.

Saw these in Brandmax the other day. The Saucony Ride ISO. Anyone got experience with them?

My max should be about 180 also but my basic Garmin watch has shown 200 on a few occasions previously so I have adjusted the heart rate zones accordingly.

Not sure if that is actually the right thing to do but makes sense to me.

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How much were they?

For fucks sake. I wonder whether changing the battery will help my battery operated device which is failingā€¦ itā€™s a wonder you made it out the door at all.

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Was it Kev who had a cut off you over slow runs?
Said it was impossible for slow running to make you faster?


He was very against long slow runs. They are a cornerstone of marathon training. Kev said a hike up a mountain was more beneficial.


Kev sometimes has a very literal understanding of things and failed to see a bigger picture.

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Like pucking a ball off a wall


You just donā€™t get it fella

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Canā€™t remember tbh. Maybe 70 quid

ā€˜Train slow, run slowā€™

ā‚¬44 kid.

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Did you buy them?
They look a lot like these iso guide2 which I know means little but these are a brilliant shoe (stability) that Iā€™ve often recommended here and in real life

Saucony are the only shoes I buy now, maybe they just suit me best but I think they know how to make a running shoe, Iā€™d be a bit worried about the (low) price but I assume theyā€™re on offer?

I didnā€™t. And they actually had a 12 there. I think the Guide is more of a stability shoe than these ones.

Original price they said was 150 or something. Think theyā€™re a few years old the model.

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Cc @TreatyStones

Donā€™t think theyā€™d work for me but thinking of going back. At that price Iā€™d nearly use them for walking if they didnā€™t work out