Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

7km at 5:39/km with average heart rate of 154bpm.

Unreal progress, but I’m confident I can go slower and get that rate down to 150bpm.

cc @fenwaypark


I’ve always gone flat out in every run.

110% every time.

You may have covered it in other posts but what is the benefit of running slow, merely avoiding injuries?

I’m unfit. 5/6 weeks without doing much climbing and I can see a huge drop off.

Did 19km this morning. Three good climbs in it. Ended up hiking the most of them. A quick trip into the 06 for a part of my run.


the law of diminishing returns would question how one can give it 110% every time?

after 6 or so runs you will after increasing your effort 100% from your first one

But surely it’s all about improvements and gains, no?

You should get fitter and faster the more you do so should be trying to knock a few seconds off each time or have the ambition to. Obviously you listen to your energy levels, body etc.

i generally run to clear my head in the GAA off season, i might go hard once or week or so.

I don’t have any intentions of becoming a long distance running competitor so I don’t feel the need to go as hard as is possible every day…

That’s fair enough.

I admire @bandage’s competitive edge. I was just wondering what @fenwaypark’s rationale was behind it, is it just injury prevention mainly why he advises this?

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Lots of articles out there, makes your muscles stronger being under tension or some such, that and i would hazard the slow run are done on recovery days?

Do you think a runner, cyclist or sports team goes out and trains at 100% all the time?

Its about building blocks for when you do use your maximum efforts.

Yes as long as my body allowed me to.

I am a Bob Radcliffe Cup Winner.

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Thank you very much, Fulvio.

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Over the 17,500m this year for climbing @Mac.

Should make my target of 25,000 for the year. Would hope to get to 30,000 now.

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Say in cycling you would often spin your legs with little or no pressure on the pedals and you wouldn’t grind in a big gear. This is so that when you do need to engage your muscles they are primed and not stretched already and in a tired condition. Same with running. I think you know all of this and are wumming but just in case you’re not take on what others are saying.

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I’m only speaking from my perspective as a Bob Radcliffe Cup Winner mate. I’m also open to taking on other people’s views and discussing them even if they are wrong.

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Sure I’m a Munster Junior League winner and that means rap!

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What’s the Munster Junior League?

It’s like the Munster Senior League only two steps below. It’s a league for MSL clubs to run second teams. From what I can see the Bob Radcliffe Cup is for Intermediate clubs in Mid-Ulster so the MJL would be around the same level.

It’s at least a level above.

Most lads hard runs aren’t hard enough and their easy runs aren’t easy enough.