Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Larry Murphy was known to make similar noises on his ā€˜trail runsā€™

Iā€™ve had two pairs of Fujitrabucos @mac.

The first was the Fuji 5. Not a huge amount of grip but very comfortable and perfect if youā€™re mixing road stretches in. Probably work best on forestry fire road and not hugely technical trails. Be ok on bits of open mountain.

I got the 8 last year with the intention of using them for my Cooley marathon as there were significant stretches on road. Did some training runs on them but found them a little bit too snug. At last minute (literally, I was in the car park about to run off in the 8), I changed my mind and took out the old pair of 5s, which had approx 400km on them. They did the job fine for me on the day and was glad in hindsight as I only wore the 8s once again and my toes were killing me after.

Iā€™d a swarm of midges following me, which probably led to the HR going up :grimacing:

I got them with the Eco Trail run in mind and plan to use them for that and some of the IMRA runs. Should be alright for those I think

Be absolutely perfect for EcoTrail Iā€™d say if they are comfortable on you. There are stretches of that on road and theyā€™ll be grand there, which is a big plus.

The IMRA races should be fine. As long as itā€™s not a wet open mountain descent.

No one pair of trail shoes ticks all the boxes.

New shoes for the hills of Connemara


Enjoy mate :+1:

The derroura mountain bike trail is a nice run a few miles west of oughterard out the main clifden road on the right. Run up the forestry road, keep an eye out for the red marker to the right, and the MTB hire sign (mw hire iirc). You follow then almost to the foot of the mast before it hairpins back and up to the top where there is a spectacular view of Lough corrib up into Connemara. Keep along as it drops down onto the forestry road at the bottom, and turn left (always following the red MTB trail signs) on the forestry road up the hill and where in flattens then rises slightly keep an eye out for the red trail sign on your left. Follow that eventually steady down hill over paths, some over prepared trail ,and rubber timbers (one or two rotten planks) back to the other forest road again, then watch on the right almost immediately for the red trail and run that back to the carpark. Itā€™s about 14 k or summat. Really nice walk with the family if you just go up to the lake view and back.
Ignore any and all signs that say cycling only. Youā€™ll see hardly anyone anyway.


I didnā€™t like The Blair Witch Project and I didnā€™t like your clips @caulifloweredneanderthal

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PS if youā€™re genuinely going running into the 12 pins, donā€™t underestimate it. You need a compass, a map, a coat and to be very careful. Thereā€™s little in the way of obvious paths, itā€™s very very easy to get lost, and the weather can come in very quickly and you can see fcuk all. Be careful if you do that. On a nice day itā€™s absolutely stunning but even then, be sure of your route. Thereā€™s people lost and injured up there regularly and I canā€™t emphasize how easy it is to take a wrong turn.


Iā€™ll see if I can edit the sound out mate. Didnā€™t realise I was breathing so fucking heavy til I watched it back :grimacing:

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If it was me doing that pace on those trails and I was from Tipp Iā€™d be sobbing uncontrollably


If I was from tipp Iā€™d be sobbing uncontrollably

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Unlimited heartbreak pal

Thereā€™s nothing as unedifying as taking an aul Insta video from the top of a summit somewhere only to realise its been completely ruined by the sound of your heavy breathing in the background.

Or so Iā€™ve heard anywayā€¦

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these bad boys look the business

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Advice please @fenwaypark.

Do you think Iā€™ve adjusted to running 35km-43km per week now?

Youā€™ve been wary of injury risk based on the increase in load and the fact I wasnā€™t going easy enough for a good while.

I feel like I need something to train towards as 4x7km easy runs plus 1x10km-12km hard run per week is feeling quite repetitive.

Could I work back up toward completing 10 miles again or even challenge myself to a (VIRTUAL) half marathon? I guess that would involve increase my weekly distanceā€¦

Where you off to in Connemara

Is there not a few events/races starting to pop back up again now?
That would be a good reasonably short term target.