Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

There are indeed but I need fenway’s permission to go for one of them.


Up around Recess somewhere, but that’s only a base

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I think you should do a bit of research, identify a race you think you might like and then put a comprehensive proposal to @fenwaypark .

Items to include:

  • Perceived potential benefits
  • A target time
  • proposed pre-race and post-race training plan

Sure the worst he can do is say no.


You know what, I think I’ll do that. I need to show some initiative here. I’m going to see if the Olympics are up online yet. Hopefully it’s no more than €20 entry and you get a T-shirt and medal for participating.

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Exactly, and sure if he says no, just ask your mother instead.


Is this out your way pal?

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You have a decent base to work off now. Try to introduce a couple of sessions a week. One short intervals and other tempo. Keep your long run and everything else is very easy.

For example on tuesday do 6× 400m off 400m recovery. Add one extra every week up to max of 12. Could vary this by doing 200m instead or 6x12 sec hills.

On Thursday do a tempo of 20 mins. Could vary this between 3x 8mins or 4 x 5mins etc.


Do you not get pains running trails like coming down on the one leg all the time over uneven paths ?

@Bandage , I’m far from an ‘expert’. I have a little knowledge that I have acquired over the years. This can be a dangerous thing.

Single best piece of advice is to join a club. You will be guided by actual experts and you may well enjoy the social element. Crusauders are a great club up your neck of the woods.


Thanks @fenwaypark. I’ll look to introduce short intervals and tempo runs from next week.

I’d be wary about joining a club, as it would involve meeting new people and maybe even holding down conversations with them. I know a few people that run with Crusaders or Raheny, but I’m happy being a lone wolf for now.

I’d never get up Howth Summit @caulifloweredneanderthal. I’ll leave the climbing to your good self and others.


Just keep running @Bandage. You’ve made all this progress yourself, it has came from inside. I have full faith in you.

With some positive mental visualisation and a beating heart there is nothing you can’t do.

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You would of course. No harm in trying it.


The times you are running, you’d run up there handy.

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I don’t run the trails much, there’s a few others here would have vastly more experience than me,
But I’ve never had problems like that, my favourite type of run is one where every footfall could cause injury, particularly going downhill at a decent clip, I wish I had taken that shot up as a younger man so o could really let myself go

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Here’s the fourth song for your Howth Hill playlist


For ages I did my runs around St Anne’s Park so I’d always be close to home if I shat myself or got very tired. With more fitness/confidence, I’ve expanded my routes but this morning was a disaster. I went to sleep at 1am but my oldest child woke up for the day at 2.30am. He was wired because it’s his birthday today and we could not get him back to sleep, despite everyone’s best efforts.

I said fuck it, I’d still do my Friday morning long run anyway after the crèche drop off. Add the heat/humidity into the tiredness mix and I felt like I was going to collapse down on Bull Island at about the furthest point from my house on the route. I had to stop after 7km, around 5km from home. I then did walk 500m, run c.1km x3 to get myself home. My goodness, it wasn’t nice at all.

It was only the prospect of more people saying I’ve lost an awful lot of weight and look absolutely fantastic that motivated me to plough on to the extent I could. Latest list of those that want a piece of me:

Audrey #3
Jennifer #6
Lady barista in The Orange Goat, Killester
Tesco delivery guy
Aoife from Sportsworld Running Club


Happy birthday to bandage junior.

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Running back towards Dollymount.


Incredibly hot day for running mate. Happy birthday to the young lad

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Great to see you back at those times @fenwaypark :clap:

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