Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Donā€™t plan any runs for the few days post vaccine.

Iā€™m getting mine tomorrow and wonā€™t run again until Thursday

Some people have had effects for a few days after.

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Mon - 35 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k.
Tues- 8 x 400 metres @ 4- 4.10 per k with 400 metres recovery (very slow jog or walk if you need to. Focus on 400 metres hard)
Wed - 35 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k
Thursday- 3 x 8 mins off 3min recovery. Run 8 mins @ 4.50 per k
Friday- as wednesday
Saturday - rest or as monday
Sunday - 60 min LSR at 5.30 to 5.50 per k.


I ran no problem. Horses for courses. If he feels fine, work away.


Fair enough!

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I ā€œheldā€ 238W apparently yesterday for over 5 hours. Is that any good?


Thatā€™s unreal, thanks very much pal. You should be charging me in truth.

Thanks also @caulifloweredneanderthal. I had a dodgy couple of hours the morning after my first vaccine, but was grand then. I should be able to go for a run at some stage tomorrow all going well, preferably morning.


There was no car there mate, it was an open road time trial. That was the course photographer.

@Bandage , make sure you do a 2k warm up before and a 2k cool down on Tuesday and Thursday.

Try and stick to paces on other days. You want the legs good to go on sessions. If you go too quick other days, it will tell/catch you out.

If you follow the training plan for next 12 weeks, Iā€™m confident you will run sub 22 mins for 5k.


Is he allowed a pastry if he complies?


Will do, pal.

I ended up doing 38 minutes at 5.27/km this morning, as I misjudged my route distance and had to keep running beyond 35 minutes to make sure I was home in time for a meeting. My paces werenā€™t even, mainly because I was too excited to commence my training plan. I started with relative gusto, so I was as low as 5.16/km early on and as high as 5.46/km later on. Iā€™ll aim for more consistent pacing from now on.

Iā€™ll factor the warm up and cool down into Tuesday and Thursday alright too. :+1:

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Upgrade :white_check_mark:
(Shtick to the devil you know)


Well wear pal

Hope youā€™ve plenty of happy miles in them

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Can we do a live ā€œBreaking 22ā€ event for this? A team of pacers from the top tier of TFK runners (@fenwaypark @Wexford1996 @backinatracksuit @TreatyStones @Tassotti etc) to lead the way before @Bandage dips in under the magical 22 as he loops around St Anneā€™s Park?

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This is what Iā€™ve been given for week 1 leading up to the Keswick. She said just running 10k slow a few times a week wasnā€™t anything like what sheā€™d recommend

So this week is 3 runs:

  1. 6 mile easy run at an effort level (RPE) of 2/10 or zone 2 heart rate (thatā€™s green on my watch / up to 140bpm).

  2. Run for 1 hour - include 6 x 4 mins RPE 7 with 90 second recoveries

  3. 1 hour long run hilly if possible - run easy and stay comfortable throughout.

Iā€™ll post each week as it comes.

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22 is a huge target for @Bandage but like you I feel itā€™s achievable, heā€™s shown that he can go into the hurt zone on plenty of occasions, the speed is developing
Itā€™ll take a massive effort, just under 4:25 a kilometre. Iā€™ve never been one for training plans as it takes a lot of discipline but if heā€™s on board heā€™s giving himself the best chance :+1:


Iā€™m committed to this alright. Enjoyed my Tuesday interval session this morning, found 8x400m challenging but doable. 22 minutes for 5km seems like a pipe dream to me, but will see how I get on. Iā€™ll probably need some new gear or a gadget to keep me motivated.


These are worth a minute to you at least.

Hello Fenway.

Could I switch Friday & Sunday please or would it be too much?

Iā€™d prefer to do my long run on a work day during normal office hours. I have more freedom on weekdays to get out and about on my own.

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Yeah, do what works for you. Just make sure you do LSR at right pace. The slower the better.


Thatā€™s a good idea. It also helps you get in the mindset of a professional athlete as you are getting paid while running.