Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thanks @fenwaypark and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

Iā€™ve become a local legend on Strava and broke my 400m record in week 1.

The running world is my oyster.


Play Stronger by Kanye West when doing this @Bandage

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When Iā€™m going for early morning runs, I usually play Good Morning by Kanye too.

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Youā€™re doing really well. Do you mind me asking have you dropped a little bit of weight in the process? I found when I did that much road mileage one year (back around 2017), Iā€™d say I was the slimmest Iā€™d been in my adult life. Your commitment to training has been top notch. Hopefully your work/life balance allows you to maintain it. Anyway, well done etc etc.


Iā€™ve dropped from about 95kg in March to 78kg now. I was well overweight at 95kg, as Iā€™m a short arse at 5 foot 9. I was lazy for years and was bullied and ridiculed for my weight (and hairline) on the INTERNET so this hasnā€™t been easy for me.

I tend to lose weight (temporary good discipline) and put it back on when life intervenes or I get bored (indiscipline). I was this weight in 2ā€™13 when I went through a cycling phase but gradually gained weight again. I then got into running in 2ā€™15 and was a healthy weight for a year or so, until a torrid time in work saw me abandon exercise and put on weight. I lost it again but sleepless nights when our first fella was born in 2ā€™18 gave me ample excuse not to get up for early morning runs.

I found it hard to get out when already tired and trying to combine parenting/getting ready for work/crĆØche drop off/rush to DART. Iā€™d still amble around the neighbourhood for night runs but it wasnā€™t focused or anything. I was eating a lot of shit for the first year of COVID too - more than offsetting the calories I was burning.

But the TFK lockdown running challenges gave me the impetus to make a proper effort again and WFH allows me to run after the crĆØche drop off. I much prefer morning exercise - it sets me up for the day but I need to lose another 2kg to hit ā€œnormal weightā€ on the BMI. That said, Iā€™ve a great support network with @fenwaypark and yourself playing key roles.

So thatā€™s my life story - thank you for reading.


Thatā€™s fucking sensational.


Thatā€™s superb, itā€™ll change your life in so many ways, inspirational :clap::clap:

I could do with dropping a stone at least but Iā€™ve developed a ferocious sweet tooth since I started running a lot, and thereā€™s a lot of baking going on in my gaff these days

But enough about me, thatā€™s brilliant


Thatā€™s massive. Fair play.

Whatā€™s the life partner make of your weight loss ?

Genuine question.

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Yeah thatā€™s all well and good but youā€™re still a slaphead.


Fair play @bandage. You look healthier now than Iā€™ve ever seen you for what itā€™s worth.

@caulifloweredneanderthal - Iā€™ve entered my first IMRA race for next week :grimacing: :see_no_evil:


Brilliant stuff pal. Hope it goes better than my debut :rofl::wink:

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Great stuff, all the more impressive given that thereā€™s no races to aim for to help maintain focus.

I think the key to whole thing is training in a way thatā€™s sustainable over an extended period of time.

Iā€™ve seen countless fellas go from relative inactivity to all in at their chosen discipline, be it running or cycling etc.

Best of gear, equipment, supplements and subscriptions to online experts.

Within a few months their registering serious miles, have great race times and can talk of little else whenever you meet them.

But then the novelty wears off, they hit their performance ceiling and have the wife in their ear about not spending enough time at home.

Then you run into them in the petrol station some day and ask howā€™s the training going only to be told theyā€™ve jacked it in.

The way youā€™re going about your business it looks like youā€™re in it for the long haul and will get a great buzz seeing your times improve incrementally.


@Wexford1996 , that run up cruagh used to be a stable run of mine. Youā€™d feel like Rocky at the top of Philadelphia Museum of Art once you reach the observation point.

@Bandage , that run today was 3x 8mins not 3x 800metres.


Oh dear. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Iā€™ve ran it a good few times recently. Itā€™s right on my doorstep. Thereā€™s not too much let up at all on the way up. I didnā€™t push it tonight as got the second vaccine earlier. Iā€™ve 8 weeks from Sunday to Berlin so just need to get the 20 milers in.

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Thank you for the support, lads. Feel free to keep the gushing praise coming.

And thanks for the words of caution too @Gavrilo-Princip !

My life partner is impressed with my dedication to training but she still thinks Iā€™m a simpleton, @TheUlteriorMotive.


Tuesday = intervals. Basically working on your speed

Thursday = tempo. Working on speed endurance.


Gotcha. And I knew it was 8 minutes, Iā€™ve bookmarked your training schedule post. I donā€™t know what distracted me, maybe the fact I was doing 400m laps.

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Not to worry, go easy with pace tomorrow.

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