Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Be good to organise a TFK fun run before the year is out lads. Fingal would seem the obvious location. It wouldn’t be at all weird going for a jog with a load of middle aged men off the INTERNET

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Paddy O’Leary en route home prior to doing CCC at UTMB. He’s doing a few IMRA races. Keep an eye out.

Just saw that cheers. Will hopefully bump into him along the way somewhere. He’d be a great draw for some of the races.

A jaunt up Howth Head or something from Sutton. Double it up as a fundraiser for Cambodia. I can even break out my patented target time tool and those who don’t beat their time have to donate more


If we have @flattythehurdler back ( Christmas?) This could be a bumper event


We can do better than fingal surely ?

I did my first interval session this morning. The trainer thought running a slow 10k four or five times a week was “an appalling preparation”, so I’m going to use her approach.
2k warm up, 6x4mins at perceive exertion of 7/10 (heart rate sat at 150-160 for these, my max is 170, but it just felt about standard effort for swimming sessions, so pretty comfortable. Then 2k warm down (Claire pulled a muscle so we had to alternately walk and jog home)
Supposed to do 30 mins slow tomorrow but I’ve a swim session.
Next week we start hill reps :face_vomiting:

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It wouldn’t be weird at all.

We could do a handicapped event, have it that we all should be finishing in around the same time over a 5km track. That would be some craic in fairness.

Or we could just run together like.

Yeah a social run. Something with a hill. The fast lads can bomb up the hill, wait for the rest of us and we all go downhill together

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A metaphor

We are all simpletons in the eyes of our life partners pal. Best way really.

Morning exercise is the job alright.


Next week is:

  1. 6 miles easy (zone 2 heart rate / RPE 3).
  2. hill reps as: Really easy run to warm up - 20 mins
    8 x hill repeats with as much recovery as you need
  3. 15 km long run Hilly if possible - run easy and stay comfortable throughout
  4. if you do a 4th it 30 mins really easy recovery run
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Can we all shout “weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” running down the hill?

Of course

No mate. Its heaven here. Running, cycling, swimming, Fingal has it all.

A lovely post. And truly inspirational. Are you actually 5’9" though?

Some inspiration for @Bandage

You can do it.


That’s good running.

Only 300 calories?

Do you weigh 8 stone