Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thatā€™s fantastic running, I understand now why you were such a threat on the overlap from right back.

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I was having very niggly problems with my joints for the first 6/7 weeks of running so I was only getting out sporadically but I think it was just my body adjusting. Legs are going great guns now. Iā€™ve a pair of dodgy knees so happy to report Iā€™m having zero issues with them. On the longer runs I need to work on pacing myself. As a marauding full back I tend to go all at it and fade around the 7.5k.


Iā€™m 11 stone but my upper body is very svelte. Iā€™ve a Fabio Grosso type build.

Great running @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy :clap:

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Took a few photos this morning while checking in to see how our Olympians were getting on


It really is. I booked a 10am Reformer Pilates session this morning. My hips have never felt better - internally and externally rotated to fuck.

Back for some scrambled eggs and coffee and watch the Olympics.

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Week 1 done. Having done my 60 min LSR on Friday instead of today and taken yesterday off, I changed my recovery today to 45 min at 6:00/km from 35 min at 6:10/km. I hope this doesnā€™t come across as a blatant display of dissent. Any changes for week 2 @fenwaypark? Friday will always be my long run day btw.


run as hard as you can can on every session, donā€™t mind that lad, heā€™s codding you


Will post later tonight.


Run to breaking point.

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HR 180+ or you are not trying properly


Only pussyfooting around unless youā€™re anaerobic

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@Bandage Week 2
Mon - 45 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k. Do 6 strides at end. These are 100 metres hard. Not a full on sprint. You walk 100 metres as a recovery.
Tues- 16 x 200 metres @ 4mins per k with 200 metres recovery (very slow jog or walk if you need to.) Do 2k warm up and cool down.
Wed - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k
Thursday- 5x 5mins off 2min recovery. Run these @ 4.40 per k. Do 2k warm up and cool down.
Friday- 65 min LSR @ 5.30ish to 5.50ish per k. Try and aim for later
Saturday - rest
Sunday - As monday.

Make sure to do some stretching after warm up on Tuesday and Thursday. If you find the paces too hard/not managable, let me know and we will adjust following week.


He needs to be hitting 5:00 per mile for those 200ā€™s to make any sort of progress

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You train at your current level of fitness, not where you want to be. If you do the latter, you will get injured.

Why dont you put together a plan for @flattythehurdler , ye seem to be on the same wave length.


Would you run a mile in 5 mins?

You stick to your ā€˜running for snowflakesā€™. @Tassotti and I will be belting sides of beef and injecting.

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What does that mean?

Walking break here, day off there, medal for everyone. Like a gaelscoil sports day.

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What has that to do with me exactly?