Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

It means @Bandage should run hard everyday

Everyone is a winner, I hate that shit

Thatā€™s probably the reason you have never run sub 3.

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Thatā€™s a lovely little put down

Heā€™s highly strung these days. Must be all the months off.

What a dickhead.

Ok mate. Duly noted. What a lovely comment.

Fucking fantastic to see this fire and passion from my coach.

Thanks for this weekā€™s programme, @fenwaypark. Another bookmarked post on this thread.



Not going flat out every time and training in any way cleverly is tough for those of us from a gaa background. We all grew up thinking you were a soft cunt if you skipped training for anything bar a broken leg.

A professional fantasist wouldnā€™t make for a great running coach.

Run hard every time and youā€™ll despise running, no future in it,


Eh, someone needs to sit the maistir down and explain gently that we werenā€™t being entirely serious. If he thinks that anyone genuinely thinks hitting sides of beef, injecting, entirely anaerobic training and max effort runs daily is the right way to go, he should really take a step back. Heā€™s a one armed waiter, who is over used to his elevated position in a rigid hierarchy, canā€™t take being challenged even in jest, and results to outright nastiness as soon as the veneer is scratched.
I think I credit bandage with more intelligence than he does is all.
Anyhow, as you were.

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There you go, let it all out.

Thereā€™s loads of people who believe that a workout is pointless unless you are pushing yourself,

My comment was not aimed at you by the way, thereā€™s only one full time fantasist posting here.

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Thatā€™s the problem right there. There are enough threads ruined by exactly this type of posting. Thatā€™s my last word on it.

Iā€™d like to announce Iā€™ll be breaking sub 20 5k by the end of September guys.


Do I have to write that out 100 times?

Anyone able to recommend route to do some intervals close to cork city centre?

Itā€™s disappointing to see some of the forums real good guys, and @backinatracksuit , going at each others throats like this.

Cā€™mon lads,youā€™re better than this

St patrickā€™s hill. Go big or go home!


I might try that tomorrow but somewhere flat preferable for this evening.

Is it a track you want? The Mardyke or CIT

The best place to run is the old Railway line/greenway
You can join it by Pairc Ui Chaoimh, Blackrock Castle or Rochestown Road

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