Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Used to be me, not flat out but I never ran slower than 5m per K, never really improved my speed and made minimal stamina gains.

Anyway I don’t mind a gag but if there was awards for flogging a dead horse I know who’d win every time,

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I was the same aswell. I’d imagine most lads do it when starting off.

Ran up it twice this morning. It’s not too bad until the last 100m but that bit really got the heart rate up.

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Fair play to you. Coming down is no picnic either!

Just had a look on strava, that’s taking the piss!!

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This went better than I expected. Went out fairly easily and found someone whose pace I was comfortable with and stuck with them for a while. Finished with plenty left in the legs so could have pushed harder but was guessing the right pace for a lot of it.

Lovely little trails around Devils Glen outside Ashford. Proper woods where you’re bashing branches out of your way every so often. The IMRA community seem great. Everyone very encouraging of everyone else. Hopefully get a few more in before the end of the summer.

Official elevation was 286m but my watch recorded it as much less for some reason.


@Bandage , paces too hard today?

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Brilliant stuff mate. Great pace.

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Nice PBs today @Bandage

You’ve really crushed former competitors of yours like @fran and @Thomas_Brady


Sorry bro - i’m too busy playing ball a few times a week to pursue this wanker’s pursuit.


It was tough but I think I just about managed it - I might have been edging towards 4:50/km pace at some stages in the wind and rain alright. The splits on Strava are a bit misleading because I did a gentle 200m jog after my 2km warm up before bursting into the 4:40/km pace. I don’t think I had any 5 minute set at the start of a km, if you get my drift. I would have ran hard for 5 minutes from 2.2km, for example, but my split for the 3rd km would include the jog beforehand. Similarly the 4th km would include a recovery jog after the first 5 minute set and so on for each km after that. But Strava tells me I ran 4:37 for a km at some stage so I’ll take that.


Your heartrate is getting close to what it should be on non session days. Try and stick to paces on these days as much as you can. The slower the better. You may think you are not getting much out of them, but they set you up nicely for Tuesday/Thursday.

Take is very slow on long run tomorrow.


Where the fuck is this?

And don’t be putting me in the same bracket as @Thomas_Brady ffs

Ah just messing boss.

I’d say you’ve barely time to play with your own balls these days

Barack Obama GIF by NowThis

@Bandage Week 3
Mon - 45 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k. Do 8 strides at end.
Tues- 10 x 12 second hill sprints (walk back down taking between 60 and 90 seconds recovery) Do 2k warm up and cool down.
Wed - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Thursday- 5x 1k off 2.5 min recovery. Run these @ 4.30 to 4.40 per k. Do 2k warm up and cool down.
Friday- 70 min LSR @5.50ish per k.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - As monday

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Trail enthusiasts. I was shown some sweet trails coming down off Moylussa today. Lovely morning for a trot

Thank you FWP. Week 2 completed this morning. :+1:



How steep should the hill for tomorrow’s sprints be?