Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

As long as its a constant climb, you should be good. Something along the gradient of the kypher pass in Pheonix Park would be ideal.

Make sure recovery on Wednesday is nice and slow.

You are going great guns.

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There is a nice enough little incline for hi sprints in St Anne’s there if you are coming straight up from bull island through the traffic lights just before where you get to the playing pitches on the left marked with a poorly drawn black X below.


Thanks. I actually go up that hill regularly - usually when I’m running the park perimeter route. I also see Raheny Shamrock AC types sprinting up the hill down in the other coastal corner from time to time too. Also a bitch of a hill just over from that where it says “R807” on the map beneath the playground. Each of those hills are c.3.2km from my front door though so I’ll need FWP’s permission for a longer warm up than my designated 2km.


All good plans are flexible.

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May I also clarify…is it 10 sprints only for 12 seconds each time? Or some kind of a set of sprints?

10 sprints in total, each of 12 secs duration. Walk back down to recover. Dont start next sprint until you are fully recovered (should take 60-90 secs).

Looks easy session but you will be hurting by the end.


Chocolatemice was telling to do this shit years ago but you were too stubborn to listen

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@Bandage , great run this morning.

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Thanks coach. It took a steely determination to stick to the pace.

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What time you average on those reps? You are getting stronger.

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My first one was quickest at 4:25 - I started into it immediately at the end of the 2km warm up. I think the other four were around the 4:30-4:35 mark. I did need the recovery in between them though (mostly walking then a light jog before hitting the target pace for a km and repeat).


Bang on target. Nice and slow tomorrow.

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Well done bro.


I can do that.

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Brilliant stuff mate. You’re a fucking inspiration.

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Calling @Mac

Savage stuff buddy

Went out with a friend to Keeper this morning. We decided to incorporate a rake of mountain bike trails on the way up. Ended up doing one of them twice. Took a few coming down as well. If any of ye ever want a more adventurous way of doing Keeper, I can send ye the GPX. A lot of climbing so a slow morning.



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Feeling grand now. I just wanted to do 3+ hours on my feet. I’ll have a 6+ hour one to do end of September.

Was looking forward to an afternoon of crap food and watching Sky Sports but have been informed we are off to some fairy garden in East Limerick :grimacing: