Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

"While I remember - next weeks running:

  1. 6 miles easy running - Z2 or RPE 3

  2. 4 miles easy running - Z2 or RPE 3

  3. Really easy run to warm up - 20 mins
    8 x hill repeats with as much recovery as you need at kenworthy woods

  4. 19.3 km Hilly if possible - run easy and stay comfortable throughout"

It’s a long way from easy 10k flat four days a week

That’s some savage climbing. Fair play

@Bandage Week 4
Mon - 45 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k. Do 8 strides at end.
Tues- 12 minute run. Go to football/rugby pitch. Sprint diagonals and jog recovery the perimeter. Running 12 minutes in total. Do 2k warm up and cool down.
Wed - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Thursday- 2 x 10mins @ 4.50 per k. Take 3 minute recovery. After second 10 mins, take 2 minute recovery and then run 5 mins @ 4.40 per k. Run 2km warmup and cooldown.
Friday- 75 min LSR @5.50ish per k.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - As monday

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Thanks pal. A decent day of eating since.

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Thanks FWP. :+1:

That’s tremendous stuff pal

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Cheers mate. I’ll try and do something a little longer next weekend but with not much more elevation, or maybe less. Body feels fine today. A few peronis last night help me recover. I’ve a three hour drive back to Dundalk ahead of me now though :grimacing:

Well this was fuckin tough. Toughest run I’ve ever done I’d say (and calling it a run is a stretch as a fair bit of it was hiking). 2 absolutely brutal climbs, crawling on hands at points. Downhills could barely be run on as the surface was just all loose rocks. Not a single bit of level ground on it. And the skies poured down for the last 25 mins.

And with all that, it was absolutely class. One of the toughest IMRA races in the bag. Gave myself a target of 1hr20 for the 11km and had no idea how I was tracking as watch kept stopping on the climbs as we were going so slow it thought we had stopped. Got home with 40 seconds to spare.

Edit - hit a HR of 213 as well :astonished:


Take the auto pause option off the watch.

Post big run nutrition lads. What are ye eating?

I did a big one this morning and have had a banana, star bar, a bowl of rice with Chipotle sauce, two cuts of toast, three eggs, some crisps, and sizeable dinner of spag bol. That’s in less than 7 hours :grimacing:.

Any good options that include less junk?


My 13.8km long run this morning paled into insignificance compared to your Everest-like effort. That said, we went to Prado in Clontarf for lunch on a whim at 1.30pm and I had crab cakes to start, rib eye steak for main and a brownie for dessert. Bottle of Malbec between us and back to work for an hour at 4pm. Lunch is the new dinner for people wfh with kids in crèche and no family support close by. As an aside, the brownie had a marshmallow melted onto the top of it and it was sublime.


That’s the fucking job

We took the little lady to a restaurant yesterday for lunch and I noticed loads of couples out for a big meal. We went for dessert too. I had this ice cream taco thing that was phenomenal.

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@Bandage Week 5
Mon - 45 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k. Do 6 strides at end.
Tues- 10 × 400m off 2 mins recovery. Run these at 4min per k. Do 2k warmup and cool down. Make sure to do some stretching after warmup.
Wed - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Thursday- 3 x 8mins @ 4.40 per k off 2.5 min recovery. Run 2km warmup and cooldown.
Friday- 80 min LSR @5.50ish per k.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - As monday

Let me know if you fail to hit paces on any Tues/Thurs session.


Just leave out the star bar

How would you do that with a Garmin?

4:00/km on Tuesday!!! :anguished::running_man::anguished::running_man::anguished:

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You are more than capable. If you need to adjust out to 4.10, just do it. Walk recovery if you need to. Focus on the reps.

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I usually have to walk the first half of whatever the designated recovery time is and then progress into a jog before resuming at the target pace.

Id often do that myself. Whatever works.