Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Should be in settings. I’ll check mine tomorrow and PM ya

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Had a few more crisps there and having a beer now.

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Hit select

Hit select

Scroll down to this and change, you have to do it on the watch, not the app


That’s a lovely passive aggressive public shaming sentence :astonished:


@Wexford1996 , was that you running with Joe I spotted up by Tymon this morning?

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At about 9.30? Yep, that was me. He’s some man. Was struggling to keep up with him on tempo this morning.

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Yeah, a legend.

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I did my Sunday today and will rest tomorrow (cc @fenwaypark). I went quicker than scheduled as it was a monsoon and I needed to be moving briskly to distract from the weather. Week 4 done and week 5 schedule gratefully received.


Brilliant stuff.

Back a couple of weeks jogging, this evening was the first I didn’t feel like I was going to have a heart attack. A lovely rolling 9km around the south side of the city, a nice test and a route I’ll be able to do in the dark of autumn and winter.


Is your plantar fascitis all cleared up?

It is thank God. Bastard of a thing.

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Was it just rest from running?

Yep, bit of stretching too but mainly stopping running.

Take is very slowly back running. If you increase mileage too quickly, it’s likely to come back. Roll the calves and bottom of feet daily.

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Just over a dose of that myself
Awful bloody thing
Gingerly back doing a few 5kms, didn’t expect I’d miss not been able to go for a run as much as I did


The roller is the job alright. You’d feel great the next day after rolling.

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Freeze a bottle of water. Great for rolling feet post run.


Found those 10x400m @4:00/km a tough slog this morning, @fenwaypark. But managed it alright - I needed the 2 minute recovery in between & it essentially became 90 second walk, 30 second jog and then back into the next 400m.

I’ll do my slow Wednesday recovery run in the morning & then I’m heading to town for a treat day. A walk in Stephen’s Green, high noon afternoon tea in a fancy hotel, some gelato afterwards and then pints off Grafton Street.


It was meant to be tough. Fact you were able to manage it shows the progress you are making. Nice and slow tomorrow. You need to get recovery right after a tough session like that.