Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Switch Thursday with Friday this week if you dont feel up to it after pints.

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Bandage would you consider going back playing a bit of junior as an industrious wing forward given you must be as fit as youā€™ve ever been ?

Iā€™m not ruling anything in or out. To be honest, Iā€™ve always fancied a crack at the Bob Radcliffe Cup.


Couldnā€™t handle the idea of work this morning in this weather so hit the trails for a very slow 17k. Absolutely savage weather out there and had a bit of company from the lad below along the way. Let me get a lot closer than I expected to him


@Wexford1996 , I see you were running around our grounds today. Great amenity that is underused.

@Bandage Week 6
Mon - 45 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k. Do 6 strides at end.
Tues- 10 x 12 second hill sprints.
Wed - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k
Thursday- 5x 5mins off 2min recovery. Run these @ 4.30 per k. Do 2k warm up and cool down.
Friday- 85 min LSR @ 5.50ish per k.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - As monday

Next week (7) sessions will be Monday and Wednesday as we will try and incorporate some quality into LSR. Let me know if that suits.


Lovely stuff, thanks. Iā€™ve done week 5. I ran yesterday instead - Iā€™m resting today due to Sevco v Celtic and Killester Donnycarney FC v Wexford FC back to back.

Do you mean next weekā€™s sessions will ONLY be Monday and Wednesday ahead of a LSR on Friday? Wasnā€™t quite sure what you meant.

Only saw this now. The guy I was running it with was a former student. Had never ran there before. Doing a half this morning. Going to try do it at marathon pace.


Good luck, you are in great nick.


Next week (6) as prescribed but week 7 go Monday and Wednesday for sessions and LSR on Friday with some quality.


Iā€™d another one after todayā€™s run :see_no_evil:

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Youā€™re some man.

Iā€™m a divil for an auld star bar alright mate.

Iā€™ve two cans of Red Stripe in the fridge now for later

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Was that an event/race today, pal?

No pal, just a long training run. Was going for that distance but hadnā€™t intended on getting that much climb in. I did end up going around in a circle on one mountain for about fifteen to twenty minutes only one to come back to the same point. Visibility was shite

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Some going, fair play.

Same for you @flattythehurdler.


Fair play @caulifloweredneanderthal and @flattythehurdler

@Wexford1996 where did you finish up in the end? Great time

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Thanks @bandage and @Mac .

I wanted ā€˜time on feetā€™ and got a little more than I bargained for, but hopefully itā€™ll stand to me.

What was the.run?
Same question for @flattythehurdler

Have a look on Strava