Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

30km in the mountains bud.

A little over 1300 metres of climb :grimacing:

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Iā€™m not on the TFK Strava

Me either,
Well done, how long on your feet?

Nearly 4.5 hours so it was very slow. I think the 3rd km took me nearly 20 minutes (but had approx 250m of climb). A glorified hike really :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

Told the Mrs Iā€™d be gone for about 4 tops, but took a few wrong turns at one stage and I think suffered a little mental fatigue a bit too early. Was going to throw in the towel a few times but had set out for 30. Nearly all open mountain and some MTB trails. A small bit of fire road as I purposely tried to avoid that as Iā€™ve had a slight heel niggle. Would have gone a good bit faster if I had and wouldnā€™t have had the navigation issues. Limited visibility and lack of discernable trails for good parts of it didnā€™t help. Actually rained for first two hours until I dropped down to lower ground.


Did you bring much food and hydration?
Thatā€™s a long time to be out

Brought 3 x 500 ml flasks and 1 x 250ml flask of water. Consumed Iā€™d say about 1.6litres.
Ate a full pack of Clif blocks.
Three gels.

Ate a Banana and drank a bottle of water mixed with electrolytes when I got back to the car. Had additional water in car in case I needed to come back for a top up the earlier.

Iā€™m doing the EcoTrail 45km next month. The average finishing time is something like 6 hours 15 so Iā€™d expect Iā€™d need that time alright. Will probably use a similar nutrition plan, maybe pack some watermelon too. Might fire a Star bar in the pack.


You may as well bring the ham sandwiches and 7up for an event like that,

Those clif bloks are absolutely lovely, there isnā€™t any nicer jellies in the shops

Iā€™d say Iā€™ll be firing a few photos into the Ravenous thread from the aid stations.

Iā€™ve done a few adventure races in the 5-6 hour range. The bike is great for getting real food in (a granola ball or a banana or something). Find it harder to take real food when thereā€™s running involved but will figure something


Mine was a long run prior to the Keswick mountain festival 25k in two weeks. Beautiful day. Really enjoyed the first 10 or 12k, but after that it was a hard grind. Itā€™ll help mentally on the day to have done most of the distance and altitude. I asked a friend to give me a training programme about 4 or 5 weeks ago, and she kindly did.
I think itā€™s an 8k , a 12k and a hill sprint session this week, and very little next week.
Hips are a bit sore and stiff.
@caulifloweredneanderthal @Wexford1996 @Tassotti and the like put me in the hapenny place though. There are some epic runs on the Strava group. @Bandage is flying it too.


Youā€™d a good pace on the climbs. What was the terrain like?

I wouldnā€™t say there was anything particularly epic about mine, especially considering I was quite slow. I think ā€˜stubbornā€™ might be a more accurate summation

Terrain was trails and paths. Bit of road. Some really old bits paved with massive slabs like something out of GOT, and the best bit nice and soft across a bog,but all well laid out and marked.
Some road, which wasnā€™t very nice.

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I was only 31st. It was competitive enough. Happy though as managed to push on a bit last 5k.


@Tassotti is in the Strava group? :anguished:

Is he?

No but from the times he puts on here

I hadnā€™t noticed him putting up any times, but Iā€™m sure heā€™s a fantastic runner

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He is.

Itā€™s nice to have a hero

It is.

Here was a photo. We had great weather.